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Malayalam Movie Download McCloud
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r0dj8
Sam McCloud is a town Marshal from Taos, New Mexico. He goes to New York to find an escaped criminal, and there falls for reporter Chris Coughlin, who is the cousin of the deputy police commissioner. After he tracks the criminal down, Chris convinces her cousin to request that Sam be assigned to temporary duty with the NYPD to learn modern police methods. He is assigned to the detective bureau headed by Chief Peter B. Clifford, who is less than thrilled with having McCloud under his command and gives him nothing but menial duties. Sam always winds up deep in homicides, drug busts, and various other major crimes. He is often helped out by Sgt. Joe Broadhurst, and solves them using a combination of good police work and good old country know-how.
Sam McCloud is a Marshal from Taos, New Mexico, who takes a temporary assignment in the New York City Police Department. His keen sense of detail and detecting subtle clues, learned from his experience, enable him to nab unsuspecting criminals despite his unbelieving boss.
"McCloud" seemed like a fairly promising show from what I had read about it. Dennis Weaver did very well in that suspense television movie, "Duel." The studio behind that film,"Universal" studios, decided to produce a show about a New Mexico sheriff who is based in New York. Sadly, the above show failed to meet my expectations. The episodes that I have seen feel drawn out and quite boring in places. Dennis Weaver makes the whole thing watchable but I don't really like this series. I think the actors could have been given better material. What doesn't help "McCloud," is that the British DVD release has edited about the first 4 episodes, so as to pass them off as being 2 feature length pilot episodes. This is not the case and I have no idea why this editing was done.
McCloud is a good 70's police show. It is never really serious, and McCloud always drives chief Clifford crazy in almost every episode, JD Cannon (the Chief) adds some humor to the show. This is a great show to see famous old time TV and Movie stars make guest appearances. One can also see many stars when they were young and just starting out, example Terri Garr, and Weekend at Bernie's Terry Kizer. I rate this show a 9/10. See it for fun.
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