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Athearn genesis f7 manual: >> << (Download)
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Athearn Genesis F units are now available in 'modernized' configurations and with an improved factory installed onboard sound and DCC decoder. DC Functions: All sound features are operated by a wireless handheld remote. No additional control box is required to operate advanced sounds. Six-button wireless remote
Your new Genesis F-Unit Diesel Locomotive comes factory equipped with a less remote transmitter features six buttons that control various sounds: . F7. F8. F9. IDLE/MOVING. Air compressor. Rail click clack. Sound On/Off. Door close. Coupling crash. Air pump. Exhaust. Short Air release. Safety valve. Horn type #1
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Genesis F-Series Locomotives are considered by many in the hobby to be the finest F units ever produced, in any scale. They utilize the Athearn has capitalized on this versatility and each loco- motive is extensively researched to ensure accuracy the manufacturer's instructions. To Remount the Body: Twist the pair(s) of
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