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Fire guard exam f01 manual: >> << (Download)
Fire guard exam f01 manual: >> << (Read Online)
17 Oct 2015 Don't stop the fire and not to call 911. 6. If the fireguard see any fire inside the building, what the fireguard is suppose to do? A. Pull the station and call 911. B. Call the FSD/Building Director. C. Pull the station and not to call 911. D. Use the extinguisher only. 7. If sprinkler system is out of service at 1:00 am,
2 Dec 2011 Manual or pull station devices . . exam. The study material does not contain all of the information you need to know to work as a fire guard. It is your responsibility to become familiar with all applicable rules and Guard Generic) or F-91 (Hotels/Motels/Office Buildings) certificate of fitness for fire guard.
8 Jun 2017 A daily inspection log must include: a)The number of inspections conducted b) any defects discovered c) the name of the fireguard who conducted the inspections and. A. Fire safety violations. B. Number of sprinklers inspected. C. Nubmer of pull boxes tested. 26. All trash must be removed: A. Daily. B.
Start studying F-01CITYWIDE FIRE GUARD FOR IMPAIRMENT. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
13 Sep 2016 This quiz is to prepare you for the Fire Guard Exam.
REQUIREMENTS FOR WRITTEN EXAM. Applicants who need to take the exam must apply in person and bring the following documents: 1. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. 2. Applicants must have a reasonable understanding of the English language. 3. Applicant must provide two forms of identifications; at least
26 Jul 2017 The two types of fire alarm boxes are. A. Single action and double action. B. Remote and local. C. Direct and indirect. D. Manual and automatic. 9. Once activated, the fire alarm system can only be shut off at the _____ by using a special key. A. Alarm box. B. Main control panel. C. Local fire department
Manuals are also something that you can obtain with the help of our website. If you have a specific Fire Guard Test Study Guide F01 pdf in mind, you will definitely be pleased with the wide selection of books Fire Guard License Exam * Spiral Bound Workbook: * Sample Test-taking Strategies * Civil Service. Study Guide
19 Jan 2015 For the initial 4 hours of an unplanned or planned out of service, when the area does not exceed 50,000 sq. ft., who is responsible for the fire watch: A. Building Manager. B. Impairment Coordinator. C. Fire Safety Director. D. None of the above. 7. Recommended average of area for performing a fire watch is.
15 May 2015 Examination for Certificate of Fitness for Citywide Fire Guard City Fire Code. This study material consists of 2 parts. The exam covers the entire booklet and any tables. It will not be provided to you during the test. .. activated, the fire alarm system cannot be reset at the fire alarm manual pull station. The.