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Need For Speed Full Movie In Hindi Free Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/qynv9
Framed by an ex-partner for a murder he did not commit, Tobey Marshall, a financially struggling custom-car builder and street-racer, spends two years in jail thinking about one moment. Fresh out of prison he reacquires the fastest car his workshop ever built and sold, and seeks to enter a secretive and extremely high-stakes race known as The DeLeon. His purpose; redemption, recognition from the world of racing and to solve his problems. Yet all this fades in comparison to his driving reason. Revenge. Above all, revenge. This is a story about love, redemption, revenge and motor oil all swirled together
Fresh from prison, a street racer who was framed by a wealthy business associate joins a cross country race with revenge in mind. His ex-partner, learning of the plan, places a massive bounty on his head as the race begins.
this movie has all the features that the need for speed games have, if you watched this movie, just cause it was a race movie then you are not a fan of the games. The story line hits right on with any of the aforementioned games, from illegal street racing to being chased by the cops, from start to finish it was very well put together, it sits in my store bought collection, along with other racing movies, like the original "Gone in sixty seconds". Both great movies that deserve better previews that I have read, obviously the people that wrote bad reviews do not know there car movies. Again I say it was a great movie, I can't stress it enough.
I'm a child of the 60's, and to me as a young boy the films of the 60's and 70's that really spoke to me were those involving cars doing dangerous things: Steve McQueen in 'Bullitt' tearing round the streets of San Francisco; the Love Bug; the Monte Carlo race in 'Grand Prix'; Bond's Lotus Esprit tearing up the roads in Sardinia and – best of all – the Mini Coopers of the original 'Italian Job', which I must have dragged my poor mother to see dozens of times. Real cars, real stunt drivers with real danger involved. These were the days before CGI, where driving scenes involving dodgy green screens were blindingly obvious. So, whilst I'm all 'grown up now' (at least in body!) 'Need For Speed' still stirs memories of those original thrills, where the engines roared and the sumps sparked on the tarmac.
Let's be clear – this is a loud, bone-headed, popcorn muncher of a film. It is as obvious in terms of plot direction as you could possibly imagine. Aside from the occasional nice side-step, you just know as you meet the protagonists – the grizzled rivals, the young turk under the hero's wing, the love rival, etc. – exactly where the film will go, and it doesn't disappoint. It is no real surprise to find that director Scott Waugh was previously a stuntman on a plethora of films, including the Italian Job remake.
The plot, as it is, involves rivals in the dangerous and illegal world of street racing. A tragedy during one such street race puts our hero Tobey Marshall (Breaking Bad's Aaron Paul) into the clink for a couple of years. Once released, he promptly breaks parole to cross the country to get to California in time for a head-to-head revenge rematch against his wealthy and successful rival Dino Brewster (Mamma Mia's Dominic Cooper).
This Californian race along the coastline is organised by the ex-racing guru and video blog broadcaster Monarch, played with over-the-top glee by Michael Keaton. (In fact, he is so extrovert that he could be giving a great impression of Jack Nicholson at his Oscar-ceremony best!) Winner of the six-car race gets to keep all the cars: I'm not sure what the second-hand price of scrap carbon fibre is, but that probably isn't much of an incentive! Marshall is aided by the very English Jules Maddon (Imogen Poots), adding a bit of girl-power driving to the rather testosterone-heavy atmosphere.
Given less to do, Dakota Johnson – shortly to star in '50 Shades of Grey' – plays the love rival of Marshall and Brewster. Scott Mescudi adds comic touches as the eye in the sky for the racers (stay for the end credits to see his amusing 'Twerkocise' inmate session) and the strikingly different Rami Malek (memorable in 'The Pacific') is excellent as one of Marshall's support crew.
Where are the problems with this film? Well, a good chunk of the dialogue is inaudible, with many of the leads – notably Aaron Paul – mumbling their lines. And in terms of glorifying young people driving too fast in their cars, this film is not exactly going to help.
But none of that really matters: the cars and stunt drivers are the stars of this film, and there is a nice doff of the cap to 'Bullitt' near the start of the film that recognises the rich heritage being renewed here. With the CGI switch turned to "off" and a plethora of real life stunts on show, this is an entertaining roller-coaster of a film, all set to a thumping and catchy soundtrack by Nathan Furst.
(If you enjoyed this review, please see my archive of other reviews at bobmann447.wordpress.com, and sign up to 'Follow the Fad'. Thanks).
The cars are hot, the action is decent, but the characters and plot need a serious tune-up.
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