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Ora-00900 invalid sql statement execute immediate examples: >> http://bit.ly/2yVfuvS << (download)
ora-00900 invalid sql statement in java
ora-00900 invalid sql statement select
ora-00900 invalid sql statement execute procedure
ora-00900 invalid sql statement describe table
ora-00900 invalid sql statement in toad
ora-00900 invalid sql statement in oracle
ora-00900: invalid sql statement hibernate
caused by: java.sql.sqlsyntaxerrorexception: ora-00900: invalid sql statement
ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement tips. there are text strings being used. You should use a dynamic SQL in your stored procedure: cmmd:='ALTER SESSION
6 execute immediate l_sql_string using out p_row_out; 7 end if; 8 end; 9 / .. you can do that in a single static sql query. .. ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement
5 Jun 2013 EXEC is an SQL*Plus command. You may want to wrap the call to DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS in an anonymous block instead if
Currently, I employ this syntax in my stored procedure: created '|| sysdate); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'analyze table test_analyze estimate END; * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement ORA-06512: at "DB1.
So, I tried to execute the dynamic string generated by q-quote mechanism execute immediate v_sql; SALES ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement gather stats statements for each partition, the following query with Q-quote
6 Feb 2008 ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement EXECUTE IMMEDIATE V_CREATE; when I try to execute the command it is giving the following error . 1) when I am including 15 link table in my query then oracle is getting hanged.
17 Jul 2017 Ora-00900: Invalid SQL Statement On EXECUTE IMMEDIATE Call with Dynamic Object Names Type mytab_type is table of sample%rowtype
31 Oct 2008 ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement. ORA-06512: at line 4. Re: using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to run DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS
28 Jul 2015 The script below is correctly executed in any sql program, but not in flyway migration. IMMEDIATE 'select ' || seq_name || '.nextval from dual' INTO seq_val; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'select case when max(' before a EXECUTE comand to ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement. Your sql syntax is incorrect.
12 Mar 2016 I think you're overdoing the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE; you can run INSERT statements and PL/SQL without them like: begin for i in 1..10 loop