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2 Jun 1998 THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL FOR THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIA. CASE NO.: IT-95-17/1-PT. THE PROSECUTOR OF THE TRIBUNAL. AGAINST. ANTO FURUNDZIJA. AMENDED perform manual labour, were tortured, subjected to sexual assaults, and other physical and mental abuse.
In cases of gaps in the existing law, the Tribunals have made law by resorting to the purposive method of interpretation. The ICTY has justified controversial decisions .. 163 et seq. Another example is the Furundzija Trial Cham- . kaemper, Decisions of National Courts as Sources of International Law: An Analysis of the.
73. The War Crimes Chamber in Serbia. 74. The Iraqi High Tribunal. 74. The Lockerbie trial. 75. Alternatives to criminal prosecution. 76. Truth Commissions. 76. Amnesties. 77. Concluding remarks. 77. Exercises and case studies. 78. Chapter 3 – Substantive Law on International. Crimes: Definitions. 81. Learning objectives.
For example, the Trial Chambers of the Tribunal in Semanza, Kajelijeli and Kamuhanda described only the physical elements of the act of rape, as set out in Kunarac, and thus seemingly shifted their analysis away from the conceptual definition established in. Akayesu. 33. The Chamber considers that the Furundzija and
1999; 11 Mar 1999Decision on Post-trial Application by Anto Furundzija to the Bureau of the Tribunal for the Disqualification of Presiding Judge Mumba, Motion to Vacate Conviction and Sentence, and Motion for a new Trial; 1998; 2 Jun 1998Decision; 29 May 1998Decision on the Defendant's Motion to Dismiss Counts 13
21 Jun 2017 Furundzija Appeal. Judgment. Prosecutor v. Furundzija, IT-95-17/1-A, Judgement, 21 July 2000, para. 69, available at: Hadzihasanovic and. Kubura Trial Judgment.
10 Dec 1998 UNITED. NATIONS. Case No.: IT-95-17/1-T. Date: 10 December 1998. International Tribunal for the. Prosecution of Persons. Responsible for Serious Violations of. International Humanitarian Law. Committed in the Territory of the. Former Yugoslavia since 1991. Original: English. IN THE TRIAL CHAMBER.
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Born. 8 July 1969 in Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Indictment. Initial: 10 November 1995; amended: 2 June 1998. Arrested. 18 December 1997, by the multinational Stabilisation Force (SFOR). Transferred to ICTY. 18 December 1997. Initial appearance. 19 December 1997, pleaded not guilty to all charges. Trial