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Dr George Jelinek in 1999 following his own diagnosis with MS. It combines a number of different elements, including diet, exercise, meditation, vitamin D and medication. The OMS diet recommendations are similar to the Swank diet. It advocates cutting out dairy and meat, and reducing fat intake. – particularly saturated fat.
Reference: “The Multiple Sclerosis Diet" – Swank & Dugan. “It is important that the diet be adhered to strictly, and without fail. To neglect to do so will result in continued activity of the disease and ultimate serious deterioration" – Swank & Dugan. This is a low-SATURATED fat diet: (1 teaspoon = 5 grams of fat or oil.) 1.
There are low-cal diets and low-carb diets, liquid diets, vegan diets, diets that claim to fight aging, arthritis, autism, and anxiety—and that's only the “A"s. For people with MS, many doctors recommend a traditional low-cal, low-fat diet; others pro- mote strict limits on certain food groups. Or they emphasize certain foods such
Swank, R. L.: Multiple Sclerosis: A Correlation of Its Incidence with Dietary Fat , Am. J. M. Sc. 220:421-430, 1950.Crossref. 2. Swank, R. L.; Lerstad, O.; Strom, A., and Backer, J.: Multiple Sclerosis in Rural Norway: Its Geographic and Occupational Incidence in Relation to Nutrition , New England J. Med. 246:721-728, 1952.
The Swank Low-Fat Diet for the Treatment of MS. We are about to show you a sensible plan for balanced nutrition developed over a 50-year period of research with hundreds of MS patients. The quick reference is also available as a downloadable, printable PDF. To learn even more, read Dr. Swank's groundbreaking book.
the library. The book was “The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book" by Roy Swank and Barbara Dugan. It was just what we needed because it brought much needed hope that MS could be countered and even brought under control through dietary means. For me, the best part of the book was that it contained a very well reasoned.
Swank MS Diet. QUICK REFERENCE. - No processed foods containing satu- rated fat and/or hydrogenated oils. - Saturated fat should not exceed 15 grams per day. Unsaturated fat (oils) should be kept to 20-50 grams/day. - Fruits and vegetables are permissible in any amount. - No red meat for the first year, including pork.
1 Jan 2009 The first part of the saga of the treatment of MS with a low-fat diet ended less than 2 months ago on November 16, 2008 with the death of Dr. Swank at age 99. The saga begins anew with the approval of “A randomized, con- trolled study of diet and multiple sclerosis" by the Oregon Health & Science.
ing the war years.5. Roy Swank, M.D., former head of University of Oregon's neurology department and now a practicing physician at Or- egon Health Sciences University, observed that MS patients im- proved on this forced low-fat diet. In the 1950s, Swank began treating his own patients with such a diet. He got excellent.
16 Nov 2008 ings on the relationship between diet and cardiovascular disease and arthrosclerosis. His research culminated in over 170 scientific papers as well as the publication of several books on diet and multiple sclerosis including “The Swank MS Diet Book" which is still in print. Dr. Swank was a positive and lively