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Egeria travels pdf: >> << (Download)
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On the next day we came to water, and, travelling for a little while among the mountains, we arrived at a station which was on the sea, at the place where the route leaves the mountains, and begins to run continuously by the sea.1 It runs by the sea in such a manner that at one time the waves touch the feet of the animals,
EGERIA (4th century A.D.). ITINERARIUM PEREGRINATIO. Pars Prima · Pars Secunda · Christian Latin · The Latin Library · The Classics Page.
Egeria set down her observations in a letter now called Itinerarium Egeriae ("Travels of Egeria"). It is sometimes also called Peregrinatio Aetheriae ("Pilgrimage of Aetheria") or Peregrinatio ad Loca Sancta ("Pilgrimage to the Holy Lands") or some other combination. It is the earliest extant graphic account of a Christian
2 The standard editions of Egeria's travels are Itinerarium Egeriae, ed. by A. Franceschini. Reading Sacred Space: Egeria, Paula, and the. Christian Holy Land. ORA LIMOR. H elena's visit to the Holy Land created a fashion among ladies of the Roman aristocracy. Many of them visited the Holy Places in Judea, Jordan, and
Egeria and The Fourth Century Liturgy of Jerusalem. Hypertext version developed by Michael Fraser, Department of Theology, University of Durham. June 1994. Introduction [under construction]; Latin Text of Egeria's Journal of the Jerusalem Liturgical Year; English Translation and Commentary (based on that found in
A woman's voice from the fourth century. That in itself is a rarity. But what is as rare is that Egeria's Travels manages to connect with contemporary readers in an amazing way. Yesss. Enthusiasm, energy, curiosity, affection, brains, as well as a good factual account of the sights and liturgy seen during Egeria's three-year.
by Egeria, 4th/5th cent. Translated by J. H. (John . She looks with veneration on the ascetics whom she meets in her travels, but does not betray any tendency to follow in their steps. She grumbles Whether our pilgrim be S. Silvia of Aquitania or not, there is no doubt as to the value of the story of her travels. It throws much
Around 381-384 AD, a woman named Egeria made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and other Biblical sites of interest. She wrote all about it to her women friends at
u's attitude to the different sorts of episcopal power and possessions, and claims that the settlement over investitures made a basic distinction between regalian lands and ecclesiastical lands. He shows how Paschal's position has been mis- interpreted; but it might have been well to make more clear that the 'papal.
9 Feb 2016 On the next day, crossing the sea, I arrived at Constantinople, giving thanks to Christ our God who deigned to give me such grace.