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Unity ink tutorial: >> << (Download)
Unity ink tutorial: >> << (Read Online)
11 Apr 2017
News, Help, Resources, and Conversation. A User Showcase of the Unity Game Engine. Remember to check out /r/unity2D for any 2D specific questions and conversation! ink-Unity integration. This Unity package allows you to integrate inkle's ink narrative scripting language with Unity, and provides tools to help quickly test your stories in-editor. Features: Running ink in game: Allows usage of JSON-compiled ink files in Unity via the included ink-engine.dll . Auto Compilation:
21 May 2017
28 Jun 2016
Select your .ink file in Unity, and you should see a Play button in the file's inspector. Ink uses an intermediate .json format, which is compiled from the original .ink files. ink's Unity integration package automatically compiles ink files for you, but you . Top level named sections in ink are called knots (see the writing tutorial).
If you're new to ink, why not download Inky and follow our writing tutorial, which guides you through the features and syntax, step by step. Start with the ink, inky, and the ink-unity integration plugin are freely available under the MIT license - we hope that other developers make use of them in their own projects! We'd also
4 Jun 2017
4 Jun 2017
4 Jun 2016 I'm interested in interactive fiction and I've been working in Twine for about a year. When Inkle made the ink scripting language open source I really wanted to try it out. However, I'm having trouble getting my head around how to write IF in Unity. I'm a Unity newbie so I've watched a lot of the video tutorials