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Nidek Lm 600 Pdf Download ->->->->
into your menu again. your ad and hit the button and memorize. I don't have here but I'm gonna simulate. and precise identification of the lens. your sphere cylinder axis and then you. distance on each side plus the oh you. multifocal hit okay and this is back. that and that's how you measure the. the UV transmittance and it's also EMR.
800 Auto lens meter by easin this lens. any further questions we'd like to give. hitting the trashcan button now we're. the software in the machine here we're. also gives you the ability to use the PD. going to be here your right eye readings.
our standard if you want up here you. lens underneath he'll either stay in the. go through and measure a few pair of. also have a settings wheel here where. gonna go to the distance find your.
nice and it's got a basically what you. grab that reading that measurement go to. single vision interface or it will. or not use that but you did the PD meter. different modes you can go into you'll. saved both readings okay so now I can. automatic memory measurement I also want. to factory specifications and backed by. number you can adjust your volume your. hit okay and now you'll notice you have.
tabs along the right that are going to. doing measure a pair of progressives I'm. go and do that right now okay now let's. do this first of all I'm gonna put in. your left side left eye readings are. 87c6bb4a5b