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Stories of Your Life and Others
by Ted Chiang
Stories of Your Life and Others Ted Chiang
Monica Carlos-Rife Stillbirth on SeptThere are sadly too many of us, and online support is a godsend in this overwhelmingly lonely lossI had two older children, and I felt it was very important for them to have time to acknowledge that they had a sister who passed onI have made it a goal to help break the silence and help military families dealing with loss, so they do not have to walk this path aloneI remarried and an unplanned pregnancy forced me to finally grieve, heal and find confidence in myselfThis is something that will help keep your child's memory alive! Honor his or her life because your baby matters, even though he or she never breathed airShe held me as I bellowed and howled, and caught me when I collapsed in mourningI said what is wrong, what is wrong with my babyTake photographsIt is so difficult to reconcile birth and death happening at the same timeIt is O.KI wanted to shut the world out and hide under the blankets and… Read More Yes, it was weirdBut I survived and am living a much better life nowCommunication is the most important thingFinding peace with this seeming impossibility required my brain and soul to stretch wider than I ever knew I couldI didn't feel like a part of the world anymore, I felt like my husband and I were alone, different, isolatedShare what she means to you
Although well-meaning, my friends and family's misguided silence about what I had just experienced drove me into a deeper depressionRead Story Tiq Milan My journey as a trans man has really been about me becoming a man of my designLook at his or her whole bodyRead More Stories Stillbirth: Your Stories Close this story Rebecca Rood Stillbirth on April 15, 2005 It will take you a long time to not feel evil and sketchy around other pregnant womenSo I was reminded that, with great love, we can help each other through the very worst of times, and we can heal those long-ago losses that still break too many heartsIt's hard to make these decisions you never dream of having to make in a matter of hours: burial or cremation, name or no name, funeral home or let the hospital plan the "disposal", etcYou will feel hope, and joy again but it will take timeI was almost 37 weeks pregnant ffa900202a
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