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The Catastrophic Deception: How the Babylonian system merged into Christianity as we know it today
by NW Shandu
The name Jesus has no meaning in any language, yet it is accepted as the name that saves, a name that heals and by which devils are cast out. Have we believed a lie all along?
‘What is in a name?’ Shakespeare asked. ‘A rose would still smell as sweet as with any other name’, he argued. What Shakespeare states is that it does not matter what someone or something is called; it is the material essence of it that matters the most.
The Bible however differs, according to scripture names matter and have great significance. They either have a meaning behind them or reveal something about the person’s character.
So then why would the Creator give the Messiah a name that had no meaning in Hebrew, no reference to Him and a name that so closely sounds like that of a pagan god Zeus?
In this book we shall first look at the commandments given by the Creator. Learn about His name, the birth of the Messiah, the pagan worship of the time, before, during and after the resurrection of the Messiah. The spread of Christianity and the role Constantine played in shaping Christianity as we know it today.
Price: $18.00
bound: 35 pages
Language: English
File size: 1051 KB
Most people could simply not understandWe have been able to recognize and track most of them for the past 8,000 yearsBut most of all it has likely been part of a required Alien Agenda enacted by highly compromised individuals or entities that have hijacked the USG via the SSGSoon, the Kenites will be turning over this looted wealth to their father to control and hand out to the world in the most vile of counterfeit moves, the claim of being the messiahIn the case of the Bible and the Koran the owners are not the humans but the deities associated with the manualsIn English, the term is the origin of the words magic and magician
The greatest deception of modern times - Britain and the US didn't liberate the Jews from persecution and the Nazi concentration camps at the end of WWIIThe ultimate driving force will most probably be a degree of desperation and desire for peace gradually manifesting in the entire planetary population so strong that it will cause an abandonment of the authoritarian leaders and dogmas of the religions, followed by a younger generation of clerics who will recognize the inevitable and introduce new interpretations and relaxed rules to gradually smooth the phase out and transition, hopefully to humanitarian organizations and peace movementsThese two tribes then united, in England, to form the Anglo-SaxonsRaptor Skinner December 3, 2012 at 3:29 pm This video show authentic alien technology hovering over the ocean near IstanbulThe restoration of our generic history and a generic definition of what a human is afford us the advancement that will take the planet off holdIsrael already has the bombNo offense intended, but I would politely suggest your support team needs to work just a little harder on implementing revenue generating ideas! As Ronald Reagan pointed out in five major addresses, including one at the U.N., any perceived threat from the outside would bring all the nations of the world together and our differences would all seem pettySubversion is defined as "a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working secretly from within." The RCMP was formed in 1867 to serve a foreign power, the Crown (corporate entity for the reigning Pope) as a military (of, for, or pertaining to war: ) force
Unless the calendar is supposed to have started from some other events 5773 years agoWALL STREET IS A PHONY PROP OF MONOPOLY CRAP, its all ready to crumble! [The latter are codenames for the bloodlines and not real people as would be the same with Aeneas, Noah, and King David, etc., they are not necessarily people but bloodlinesWe can finally integrate both halves of our natureTherefore, those notes must still be legal tenderAnyone who studies music classically, is most likely to end up being only a skillful performer and nothing moreDiabetics only die because they were overdosed - administered a lethal dosage of insulin or other noxious drug which drastically lowered the diabetic's blood sugar levels - hypoglycemia - and prescription drug overdose death occursHe is trying to eliminate the U.S 5d8a9798ff
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