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Portion control handout pdf: >> << (Download)
Portion control handout pdf: >> << (Read Online)
webmd portion control
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what is the correct portion size for adults
food portion control chart
serving size pdf
food portion size chart
serving size handout
portion size hand
Activity: Cereal Bowls. Instructions. 1. Have a box of cereal and 2-3 bowls (preferably different size bowls) on a table. 2. Ask for 2-3 volunteers. Have volunteers serve themselves the amount of cereal they would normally eat for breakfast. 3. Next, give each volunteer a measuring cup and another bowl to measure out how
Portion Control. Prevent over-eating and promote a balanced diet by practicing portion control. Our bodies need a variety of foods with some foods being needed more than others. Use the diagram below as a guide to how your plate should look at each meal. Our bodies need fresh fruits and veggies most, so fill your plate
Enjoy your food, but eat less. Before you eat, think about what goes on your plate or in your cup or bowl. Use these familiar objects to judge a single serving size and remember: • Use a 9" plate. • Fill ? your plate with non-starchy vegetables and fruit. • Fill ? of your plate with lean protein (a 2- to 3-ounce cooked portion).
30 Sep 2013 For example, look at the label of a 20-ounce soda (usually consumed as one portion). It has 2.5 servings in it. A 3-ounce bag of chips, which some would consider a single portion, contains 3 servings. Look at serving sizes on the nutrition label. Click on the NHLBI Serving Size Card pdf document icon
Sources: Healthy Choice infographic via BROUGHT TO YOU BY. FIST. 1 CUP. Fresh fruit, raw vegetables, salads, cereal, soup. TO LEARN MORE ABOUT HEALTHY EATING HABITS, TALK TO YOUR PRIMARY CARE PROVIDER. PALM
of Agriculture (USDA) Portion Distortion Quiz was published by the organization “WeCan" By submitting this lesson plan you are giving FCCLA permission to publish your work on the FCCLA website,
Do you get caught in portion size pitfalls? Roll the dice and move along the path. (Use dice and players from another board game.) Follow the instructions for each shortcut or pitfall you land on. The turn then moves to the next player. Get on the path to proper portion control! Portion control when eating out. Many restaurants
FOOD. SYMBOL. COMPARISON. SERVING SIZE. Dairy: Milk, Yogurt, Cheese. Cheese. (string cheese). Pointer finger. 1? ounces. Milk and yogurt. (glass of milk). One fist. 1 cup. Vegetables. Cooked carrots. One fist. 1 cup. Salad. (bowl of salad). Two fists. 2 cups. Fruits. Apple. One fist. 1 medium. Canned peaches. One fist.
4 Dec 2012 Weight control through control of serving sizes.1,2,3,4. Key Questions. What is the difference between a portion and a serving? A portion is the amount of food an individual chooses to eat. A serving is a standardized amount of food set by a governing body or institution, such as serving sizes developed by
When you're trying to eat healthfully, it's essential to keep track of just how much you're eating. It's all too easy to misjudge correct portion sizes. Here are some easy comparisons to help you figure out how many servings are on your plate. PORTION SIZE YOUR PLATE. ? PLATE VEGETABLES: Fill half your plate with a