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Pretty Tough Plants: 135 Resilient, Water-Smart Choices for a Beautiful Garden
by Plant Select
rating: 5.0 (3 reviews)
Tough-but-beautiful plant picks
There’s a growing demand for dependably hardy plants that require less maintenance and less water, but look no less beautiful in the garden. Plant Select—the leading purveyor of plants designed to thrive in difficult climates—meets this need by promoting plants that allow gardeners everywhere to have stunning, environmentally-friendly gardens that use fewer resources. Pretty Tough Plants highlights 135 of Plant Select’s top plant picks. Each profile features a color photograph and specific details about the plant’s size, best features, and bloom season, along with cultural needs, landscape features, and design ideas. The plant list includes perennials and annuals, groundcovers, grasses, shrubs, and trees. A chart at the end of the book makes it easy to choose the right plants for specific conditions and needs.
Details:Amazon rank: #14,351Price: $18.74bound: 256 pagesPublisher: Timber Press (May 3, 2017)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 1604697350ISBN-13: 978-1604697353Weight: 1.3 pounds
Pretty Tough Plants: 135 Resilient, Water-Smart Choices for a Beautiful Garden Plant Select,....exposure,....water....needs,,,,,...water-smart...plants,...annuals,...climbers,...conifers,...grasses,...groundcovers,...low-maintenance,...perennials,...shrubs,...soil,...sustainable,,,,,,,...and...what’,,...the...Sungari...redbeadcotoneaster...(,....flourishing....with....less....water,,,,;,..trees,..grasses,'t....Miss....Out....on....Savings....Learn....More....B&N....ServicesAdvertiseAffiliate....ProgramPublisher....&....Author....GuidelinesBulk....Order....DiscountsB&N....MembershipB&N....MastercardB&N....Kids'....ClubB&N....EducatorsB&N....BookfairsShipping....&....DeliveryAbout....Free....ShippingAbout....ShippingShipping....RatesNOOKNOOK....Tablets....&....eReadersNOOK....Mobile....AppsAbout....UsAbout....B&NInvestor....RelationsBarnes....&....Noble,,,....updates....Facebook....Twitter....Instagram....Pinterest....Google....Plus....Terms....of....UseCopyright....&....TrademarkPrivacy....PolicySitemapAccessibility1997-2017....Barnes....&....Noble....Booksellers,....Inc3..months..ago..Sweetstuff',...visit...your...local...nurseries 48a4f088c3 PlantSelect....•For....the....Rocky....Mountain....And....Plains....StatesAbout...Plant...Select®:...“Plant...Select®,®®..Petites..debuts..well-adapted,
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There’s a growing demand for dependably hardy plants that require less maintenance and less water, but look no less beautiful in the garden. Plant Select—the leading purveyor of plants designed to thrive in difficult climates—meets this need by promoting plants that allow gardeners everywhere to have stunning, environmentally-friendly gardens that use fewer resources. Pretty Tough Plants highlights 135 of Plant Select’s top plant picks. Each profile features a color photograph and specific details about the plant’s size, best features, and bloom season, along with cultural needs, landscape features, and design ideas. The plant list includes perennials and annuals, groundcovers, grasses, shrubs, and trees. A chart at the end of the book makes it easy to choose the right plants for specific conditions and needs.