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14 item night eating questionnaire sample: >> << (download)
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The Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ): Psychometric properties of a Received 17 November 2006; received in revised form 26 January 2007; accepted 16 The 14-item NEQ assesses the behavioral and psychological symptoms of NES.
10 Apr 2014 a short Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ) was published. The study aims included as a form of other Feeding and Eating Disorders in the DSM-5 .. Cronbach's alpha of the 14-item Hebrew version of the. NEQ was 0.78.
Official Full-Text Paper (PDF): The Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ): The 14-item NEQ assesses the behavioral and psychological symptoms of NES.
NIGHT EATING QUESTIONNAIRE How much control do you have over your eating between supper and bedtime? 0. 1 Items 1-12 and 14 are summed. For example, many patients with night eating symptoms over-estimate their intake at
12 Jul 2014 Psychometric properties and correlates in a student sample . The NEQ (Allison et al., 2008) is a 14-item instrument for the assess- ment of night Psychometric properties of the German Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ).
NEDQ Night Eating Diagnostic Questionnaire. NEQ. Night Eating Questionnaire .. but not evening hyperphagia, was associated with obesity in a sample of community . 14-item self report inventory which assesses the pattern and timing of.
10 May 2008 Uniform diagnostic criteria for the night eating syndrome (NES), ranging from 6% (Ceru-Bjork et al., 2001) to 14% (Gluck, Geliebter, & Satov, 2001), Cut-off descriptors for Night Eating Questionnaire items retained in the IRT . and item information curves (IIC's) for four sample items which illustrate the
14 May 2014 In addition, the Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ) was developed and A representative sample of the German general population was selected with The NEQ is a 14-item self-report inventory assessing the behavioral and
28 Mar 2007 The Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ): psychometric properties of a measure The 14-item NEQ assesses the behavioral and psychological
22 Mar 2016 Anxiety Inventory, Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ) and Eating Disorder Examination - Questionnaire (EDE-. Q). found the prevalence of NES as 22.4% in a sample of Turkish . NEQ is a 14-item instrument for the.