Wednesday 10 January 2018 photo 1/1
Adobe Flash Facebook Like Button ->>>
In order to prompt the user to Like the company page first (which is the only way the API will let you Like a post) we open an overlay in javascript. Seite nicht gefunden. In order to use the Facebook API to Like something, you will actually need to have a post to like already set up. Stack Overflow Questions Developer Jobs Tags Users current community help chat Stack Overflow Meta Stack Overflow your communities Sign up or log in to customize your list. Mind you, I have no idea what some of those parameters are or what they mean, or even how to generate them, so even if we moved past this part we were still hosed. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged flash actionscript button or ask your own question. If the user closes the overlay and doesnt like the page, we stop the polling. Jetzt Deinen eigenen Gefllt-Mir-Button einfach generieren: HTML Generator fr Like Button. Lastly you will need to download ShadowBox from: We will be using ShadowBox to display the Facebook LikeBox for the situation where the user has not yet liked our company page, but wants to Like a post. Which is still not impossible to deal with. Your client app is launched by the user. The other inconvenience is that in order to Like a post on a Facebook page, the user must also Like the page itself. This cannot be done through the Facebook API, which means we need to find a way to interface with the Facebook LikeBox or FanBox components. So we first use the same request for the Like Button as before, the Like.php call. Make sure that Enable Buttons from the Control menu is deselected. Der "offizielle" Weg zu einem Facebook-Like-Button fhrt ber den Entwickler-Bereich von Facebook. Adobe . Es ist nicht notwendig, spezielle Deutsche Gefllt mir Buttons von Facebook zu erstellen. The name of the LocalConnection is generated based on the time elapsed since the app was started. See those files names? In your net tab check out the contents of the first download JS file, for me it was 39sasyj3.js. If the selected action has any associated parameters, those parameters appear in the Parameter panel on the right side of the Actions panel. If it is, it then grabs the UserID from the FCM and checks to see if that is in the list of userIDs returned from previous the Likes request. If someone out there implements them, let us know and we will post the update here for everyone. In the Advanced tab, make sure your application type is set to Web. Einfach die URL Deiner Webseite (oder Deiner Facebook-Page) angeben, Button-Typ auswhlen und den Code generieren lassen. For instance the Hook page link: That number at the end is the Page ID. To create the Up state button image, use the drawing tools, import a graphic, or place an instance of another symbol on the Stage. Falls du ein Content-Management-System wie z.B. Choose your region Selecting a region changes the language and/or content on Hit states are important to understand when designing a complex button. The image really doesnt do it justice, there are a ton of HTML elements buried in the body as well, please check it out for yourself, and be amazed& 5a02188284,364848134,title,How-To-Delete-Your-Facebook-Account,index.html