26 December 2010
*dregglar* *flod av näsblod* *mentalt störd av för perversa bilder* This is what happens when a to FUKKING SEXY clown smirks... or.. ah wth, you know what i mean. *stares at Picture*
AWEH! x3 Buggy at age 17 is pretty cute.. x3 ah h*ll, who am i supposed to fool.... HE´S TO DAMN SEXY AS SEVENTEEN TO! D:>
BUGERU - Resting at an old tree. JA..UM. Jag failade med Bakgrunden. I KNOW. Crappy background is Crappy, ME KNOW. IAF, nu har jag fixat till den lite, så hon inte ser så skum ut <3 :D
Only for a month (Kisames point of view)(Naruto fan-fic)Kisame´s head felt like it was going to blow at any moment; he didn’t remember a single thing since the fight three days earlier. He sighted
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