15 March 2012
PFFFFT--- Okej, jag fick nyss reda på hur många bilder på Buggy som jag har/äger/har hittat--- gissa. gissa bara. ... 912 st. ahahahhah xDDD Okej jag tror jag har ett problem här xD
Day 15 - Anime you want to see but haven’t yet jag vet inte riktigt, har redan kollat upp alla anime/manga som jag vill se eller läsa. Däremot skulle jag vilja ha ork att se klart K-ON! :C men
Buggy loves parties. Loves a good time. Loves the Oro Jackson. Loves the captain that saved him. And loves when Eru is the one who seeks him out when he is just drunk enough to appreciate her company
Shanks couldn’t help but say something. It was the third time in the last five minutes Buggy had paused in mending the fishing net that sat between them to reach up and brush a stray pale blue hair
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