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Lc3 instruction set: >> << (Download)
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jmp lc3
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lc3 registers
lc3 instructions explained
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lc3 instruction table
LC-3. Instruction Set Architecture. (Textbook's Chapter 5). 2. CMPE12 – Fall 2006 – A. Di Blas (Orig. by C. Barzeghi). Instruction Set Architecture. ISA is all of the programmer-visible components and operations of the computer. – memory organization. • address space - how may locations can be addressed? • addressability
The LC-3 ISA. A.1 Overview. The Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) of the LC-3 is defined as follows: Memory address space 16 bits, corresponding to 216 locations, each containing one word (16 bits). Addresses are numbered from 0 (i.e, x0000) to 65,535 (i.e., xFFFF). Addresses are used to identify memory locations.
The LC-3 Instruction Set Summary. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0. ADD. *. 0001. DR. SR1. 0 0 0. SR2. ADD. *. 0001. DR. SR1. 1 imm5. AND. *. 0101. DR. SR1. 0 0 0. SR2. AND. *. 0101. DR. SR1. 1 imm5. BR. 0000. n z p. PCoffset9. JMP. 1100. 0 0 0. BaseR. 0 0 0 0 0 0. JSR. 0100. 1. PCoffset11. JSRR. 0100. 0 0 0.
?PC (program counter), condition codes, MAR, MDR, etc. 5-4. CSE 240. LC-3 Overview: Instruction Set. Opcodes. • 16 opcodes. • Operate instructions: ADD, AND, NOT, (MUL). • Data movement instructions: LD, LDI, LDR, LEA, ST, STR, STI. • Control instructions: BR, JSR, JSRR, RET, RTI, TRAP. • Some opcodes set/clear
LC-3 Instructions. Page 4 of 16. 1. Operate instructions. ADD. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0. 0 0 0 1. DR. SR1 0 0 0. SR2. 0 0 0 1. DR. SR1 1 imm5 if (bit[5] == 0). DR = SR1 + SR2 else. DR = SR1 + sign-extend(imm5) set cc(DR). Example: ADD R2, R3, R4. ; R2 < R3 + R4. ADD R2, R3, #7. ; R2 < R3 + 7. AND.
Instructions are 16 bits wide and have 4-bit opcodes. The instruction set defines instructions for fifteen of the sixteen possible opcodes, though some instructions have more than one mode of operation.
Instruction Set Architecture. ISA is all of the programmer-visible components and operations of the computer. – memory organization. • address space - how may locations can be addressed? • addressability - how many bits per location? – register set. • how many? what size? how are they used? – instruction set. • opcodes.
Opcodes. 15 opcodes. Operate instructions: ADD, AND, NOT. Data movement instructions: LD, LDI, LDR, LEA, ST, STR, STI. Control instructions: BR, JSR/JSRR, JMP, RTI, TRAP some opcodes set/clear condition codes, based on result: N = negative, Z = zero, P = positive (> 0). Data Types. 16-bit 2's complement integer.
LC-3 Instruction Set Architecture. CMPE12 – Summer 2008 – Slides by ADB. 2. Instruction set architecture. ? What is an instruction set architecture (ISA)?. ? It is all of the programmer-visible components and operations of the computer. ? The ISA provides all the information needed for someone to write a program in