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The latest Tweets from RailsCasts (@railscasts). Weekly Ruby on Rails Screencasts. GitHub is where people build software. More than 28 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 78 million projects. Ruby on Rails - Railscasts #417 Foundation.. Ruby on Rails - Railscasts PRO #261 Testing JavaScript with Jasmine (revised). Ruby on Rails - Railscasts PRO #258 Token Fields (revised) 17 min - Uploaded by Railscasts ReloadedAngularJS is an awesome framework for easily creating rich, client-side applications. Its powerful. http://www.destroyallsoftware.com/ and http://www.rubytapas.com/ are really good! While they do not cover new gems the same way how Railscasts did, they're an excellent source of knowledge for developing better programming + testing skills and pro... RailsCasts is an educational website that features weekly Ruby on Rails screencasts. RailsCasts is produced by Ryan Bates (rbates on Twitter and ryanb on GitHub). A free episode will be released every other week featuring tips and tricks with Ruby on Rails. The screencasts are short and focus on one technique so you can quickly move on to applying it to your own project. The topics target. Railscasts is a new project by Ryan Bates providing regular, free screencasts on topics relating to Ruby on Rails. As opposed to Geoffrey Grosenbach's wonderfully detailed Peepcode screencasts, Railscasts videos are very short and each is focused on a very small area. Current topics include layouts,. Download past episodes or subscribe to future episodes of RailsCasts by Ryan Bates for free. created by. Josh O'Rourke. script type. color scheme. description. A GUI only color scheme based on the Railscasts TextMate theme. To see the TextMate version check out http://railscasts.com GitHub: http://github.com/jpo/vim-railscasts-theme/tree/master. Screenshot:. Sublime Text 2 - RailsCasts Theme. Dark UI theme for Sublime Text 2 based on Ryan Bates (@rbates ) RailsCasts TextMate theme. Railscasts Theme. Installation. Using Sublime Package Control. If you are using Will Bond's excellent Sublime Package Control, you can easily install the RailsCasts Theme via the Package. Ryan Bates is getting married on Saturday. His work at Railscasts.com has had a major impact on many people's lives, helping many developers learn... Railscasts Theme for GNU Emacs.Screenshots, source code and additional information. | Emacs Themes. At GitHub, we're building the text editor we've always wanted: hackable to the core, but approachable on the first day without ever touching a config file. We can't wait to see what you build with it. Extension for Visual Studio Code - Railscasts Colour Theme. (RAILSCASTS) Company Press Releases – Get the latest press release for and all the companies you research at NASDAQ.com. (RAILSCASTS) News – Find the latest company news headlines for and all the companies you research at NASDAQ.com. The screen glows white on my laptop tonight. And my rspec won't go green. I'm coding in isolation,. So my PRs are obscene. My doubts are howling like this swirling storm inside. Couldn't keep it in;. Heaven knows I've tried. Don't let them in,. don't let them see. my github repos are mortifying me. Conceal, don't feel,. don't let. Based on the railscast theme for textmate (although this theme's color set is actually derived from the railscast.vim color scheme) Every other week you will be treated to a new, free RailsCasts episode featuring tips and tricks with Ruby on Rails, the popular web development framework. These screencasts are short and focus on one technique so you can quickly move on to applying it to your own project. The topics are geared toward the intermediate. Short screencasts for developers learning Ruby on Rails. Videos to help you learn any aspect of web development. There are some screencasts in the django documentation. Presenter from Railscasts. Let's say we have a user page with different textual and graphical information. Usually it means there will be a lot of Ruby code with conditional logic inside .erb template. Sure it is not a good thing and will create a significant overhead during future application changes if we want to maintain our. Railscasts. 5.5K likes. Free Ruby on Rails Screencasts. Every other week you will be treated to a new, free RailsCasts episode featuring tips and tricks with Ruby on Rails, the popular web development framework. These screencasts are short and focus on one technique so you can quickly move on to applying it to your own project. The topics are geared toward the intermediate. Do you like download all railscasts.com episodes? Source: https://gist.github.com/ffontouras/2627853. Gemfile source "https://rubygems.org" gem "nokogiri", "~> 1.5.2". railscasts_downloader.rb #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'nokogiri' require 'open-uri' # Consider signing in Railscasts PRO! new-railscasts. Dark GUI Term. 1require 'active_support' 2 3module VimColors 4 class RubyExample 5 CONSTANT = /^[0-9]+ regex awesomes$/ 6 7 attr_reader :colorscheme 8 9 # TODO: Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet 10 def initialize(attributes = {}) 11 @colorscheme = attributes[:colorscheme] 12 end 13 14 def self.examples. railscasts color theme that works in 256color terminals as well as gui. DHH 亲自演示, 如何在Rails 5 中使用Action Cable 方便的进行前后端实时交互. (22 minutes). Watch Episode · Screen shot 2013 10 19 at 7.21.57 pm. Episode #051 – October 19, 2013 – 0 comments · 七牛首席架构师道神分享:出了问题不要靠猜. 七牛的首席架构师道神分享:道神会跟大家分享如何定位,分析,和解决Bug,通过一. Using Commando Packages, find “Railscasts" and press Enter to install it. # Fruit salad recipe # Let's build a fruit-salad maker # This snippet just shows various parts of Ruby speech. module Salad class Fruit @@class_var = 0 attr :symbol def initialize(fruit_list, counts) @instance_var = {} fruit_list.zip(counts).each { |a,. The largest and most up-to-date repository of Emacs packages. Where the Komodo Community gathers. Participate on our forums,download or contribute packages, find out how to make Komodo your own. Pygments Extras. Getting Started. Installation Usage Examples Bug Reporting Thanks. Built-In Styles. Github Monokai Light Railscasts. Styles. results matching "". No results matching "". Copyright GitBook 2016; Return to the top; Updated Oct 16th 16. 2013年2月5日. RailsCasts とは RailsCasts は超有名なので知っている人も多いと思いますが、念のため以前書いた紹介文を再掲します。 毎週2つ(うち1つは有料購読が必要)の Rails 関連動画をアップロードしてくれているサイトです。良質な情報を定期的に届けてくれるすばらしいサイトですね。1ヶ月9ドル払って有料購読す… If you really want to dig into a specific subject such as REST, RSpec, or benchmarking, I can't recommend a better resource than Peepcode. RailsCasts The other resource that I must insist that you use is RailsCasts (http://railscasts.com/). Ryan Bates puts out an excellent (and free) screencast at RailsCasts every Monday. Learn about working at Railscasts.ru. Join LinkedIn today for free. See who you know at Railscasts.ru, leverage your professional network, and get hired. Wicked Gem Featured on RailscastsWicked was featured by Ryan Bates on Railscasts this past week. I've learned quite a bit over the years from Railscast... RailsCasts (free/$9 per mo) RailsCasts.com — Probably the go-to for most Rails podcasts, Ryan Bates (Twitter/GitHub) has been churning out 2 podcasts about Ruby on Rails for years now. He explains topics clearly, pushes the limits of what gems can do, and always offers comparisons between similar gems. Most of his. Hi,I made a new color scheme from using RubyMine's Railscasts colors. Because you cannot use it directly. I edited it for all sections... Railscasts. Por Nando Vieira. 22 de Abril de 2007. Leia em menos de um minuto. Não sei se você já conhece, mas há algum tempo o Ryan Bates está publicando screencasts sobre Ruby on Rails, em um projeto chamado Railscasts. A qualidade dos screencasts é excepcional. Entrei em contato com o Ryan logo que ele. Still a good authoritative screencast resource if you're new to Rails. Start Learning. WANT THE LATEST UPDATES ON HOW TO GET A GREAT PROGRAMMING JOB? Success! Now check your email to confirm your subscription. There was an error submitting your subscription. Please try again. Email Address. Subscribe. Railscasts Style. Website: https://highlightjs.org/. HTML. h1>Example HTML Some text main>. JavaScript. var example = true; function foo(arg) { console.log( "do", arg); arg = example ? true : false; return arg; }. CSS. @import "somestyle.css" body. The Railscast on simple search forms will help get you started. If you deploy using a shared host or a dedicated server, I suggest using Thinking Sphinx (following the Railscast on Thinking Sphinx). If you deploy on Heroku, you should follow the Heroku full text search instructions. 12.4.2 Guide to Further Resources There. Today, Ryan Bates of Railscasts released two videos covering Refinery CMS as part of his long-standing collection of tutorials for Ruby on Rails developers! That's a pretty big deal. He's been posting since 2007 and has worked up a notable reputation in the Ruby community as the source for screencasts. Ryan Bates is the owner of Railscasts.com, an invaluable resource to the Ruby on Rails developer community. Each week or so, he publishes a screencast of about ten minutes that highlights a technique in rails that he has found useful. He also maintains a number of popular ruby gems. About a week ago. Participate in discussions with other Treehouse members and learn. Code School: Interactive programming courses • Rails Guides: Good topical and up-to-date Rails references • RailsCasts by Ryan Bates: Did I already mention RailsCasts? Seriously: RailsCasts. 1.1.2 ''Scaling'' Rails Before moving on with the rest of the introduction, I'd like to take a moment to address the one issue that. A color scheme for vim based on the RailsCasts TextMate theme with. find my version at https://github.com/dhruvasagar/vim-railscasts-theme. Is there a long running task which should be handled in the background? One of the best ways is using the delayed_job plugin like I show in this episode. OpenID with Authlogic Category: Web Development > Ruby On Rails Posted: 31 Jul 09. Learn how to apply OpenID to an existing Authlogic setup as I show in this. video = Railscasts.new #new Railscasts object. video.start #will start downloading all screencasts from Railscasts. Note: If you stop the script in between manually, it will not download those screencasts that are already in your hard disk. All logs are maintained in Railsproject/log/railscasts.log. Handling all. Railscasts Xcode theme. Save it into ~/Library/Application Support/Xcode/Color Themes/ , restart Xcode, and open its Preferences. You will be able to pick the Railscasts Color Theme in the Fonts & Colors tab. I dug this theme up after realizing that I haven't actually saved the Railscasts theme I'd replicated. As many of you might know, I LOVE Railscasts – and like many of you, I miss Ryan heaps. He has a knack of being able to make things look super easy; his screen casts enable you to learn a great deal in just a few minutes. I often joke that it is a bit like the Matrix – we look something up, then we know kung. Railscasts Dattaya. Based on the PhpStorm's Railcasts theme. Default font: – Liberation Mono. Author Name: Dattaya. Author's Website: https://github.com/Dattaya · Download RailcastsDattaya.xml. A tumble blog by Kamal Fariz Mahyuddin on all things Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Apple and being a Dad. ... Dalessio: http:llbit.lylnokogirigoruco-2013 - ln-depth tutorial covering Ruby, Nokogiri, Sinatra, and Heroku complete with 90 minute behind-the-scenes screencast written by me: http:llhunterpowerscomldatascraping-and-more-with-ruby-nokogiri-sinatra-and-heroku - RailsCasts episode 190: Screen Scraping with Nokogiri. Ryan Bates of railscasts.com2 fame has a useful solution3 for this. All we need to do is create an array in the routes file, then we can pass in a variable to process the actual route for us, like this: routes.rb (excerpt) Training::Application.routes.draw do root :to => 'pages#index' %w[about contact cv].each do |page| get page,. ... gem that does it for you. A quick google search for “rails gem + your feature here" will probably turn up something useful. Another great resource to discover new gems is http://railscasts.com, a rails video tutorial series by Ryan Bates. Unfortunately, most of the new RailsCasts material requires a $9/mo subscription to view,. Made famous by Ryan Bates' screencasts (http://www.railscasts.com), RailsCasts is a great and aesthetically pleasing themethat can be used for a number of languages, including PHP, Ruby, HTML, and JavaScript. You will notice that the RailsCasts theme ZIP file contains two versions. The one labeled ryanlight.tmTheme.