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Hej alla bdb älskare! Jag är den officiella poser hittare! Jag är inte snäll mot alla här! Men jag måste vara lite hård för att hitta den riktiga! Skicka bara PM till mig så hittar jag den ri
@GraceGomez you are now verified by me!
@Milerz = Fake! Miley said few days ago that she would never use google/paparazzi pics! Busted-Verified answer: Busted!
@Milerz is fake! Miley always wanted to live alone! And she is not going to new orleans soon! haha it's 3 months until she will take a trip there! Busted-Verified answer: Busted!
@MYY-LEE is fake cause she copied her profile from the other poser @Milerz Busted-Verified answer: Busted!
Hmm we all know that Miley is not in new orleans and she can't even write right in english and she said she will log in on msn and show hersyelf but she never did as @MilerzWorld so @Milerz just ''tol
@JasmineV you are now verified by me!
I don't think Miley would write like that cause she is very personal and If whe would real woulden't she have more pics? I understand that Miley is very busy but if that girl were Miley I think her na
Hmm if @CanadaBoy were real wouldn't he have mor pics? And the adress to his home is NOT real! And the twitter account not exist! The account is not real, it's not Justin Biebers twitter! Busted-Verif
Hmm @Milerz said she made this pic, but I just found this on google! Busted-Verified answer: Busted!
Hmm number1. @Mileerz copied the profile, it's @Milerz old profile, and @Mileerz took it!2. @Mileerz found the same pic as @Milerz3. @Mileerz copied @Milerz mpd name! @Mileerz imaged the mpd name!Bust
Hmm number1. Can't spell2. this youtube account it's not Justins!3. Justin said to people magazine: I would never use google pics cause I hate them!I think the pic says everything!and this adress it's
Why would Miley delete me? Answer: Cause she is fake!!!!!
@TaylorAlison you are now Verified by me! You are real!
Should I believe in that? Or Should I take him on fake list?
@Milerz did a new mpd NEVER in the hell add @Miley-Nighthawk @Milerz wrote: ''because people stole my name ''Milerz I did a new mpd @Miley-Nighthawk!Answer: POSER!
Hmm what do you think? I can't call her ''real''!Busted-Verified answer: @MileerzBusted!
Should I verifie him? I didn't saw him in cam as the other, but of the things I saw, I think he's real, but I will sleep on it and wait for him cause selena says he's real :)
@MileyWorld is fake cause: 1. Imaged her name with the real miley @MilerzWorld 2. Hate posers hmm not true! 3. Miley never say ''Im real, hope you believe me'' 4. Miley started Hannah Montana when she
Mileerz changed her name to @MilerzGirl again a poser copy the real Milez name @MilerzWorld! Stop pose! @MilerzWorld is the real!!!!!! @MilerzGirl is fake cause: 1. took the pic of @MilerzWorld
By: Busted-Verified!
people deleted @MilezLoveCyrus account yesterday but she's back, she have the same name! Look guys. Miley told me yesterday that she was reported because of she spelled wrong ''changing'' she spelled
@Miley-Nightwhak, @Miley-RockMafia you're now verified by me! (sorry, I haven't time to fix the pic, I'll do it later) -Thanks
@MilerzGirl is fake cause 1. taking MY lyrics (i wrote it) 2. miley would never use google pics this one is OLD! 3. no one is comment her pics and she use old ''proof'' from google wich miley never wr