December 2011
Busted! @TheCyrus is fake! 1.Twitterpic, Miley would never use the same pic in 2 sites! ''hands''? 3.Mileys hand is not in this pic! Busted-Verfied answer: Busted! Ps: sorry for the wierd pic
@MissCyrus excuse me sweetiee but I will come behind your lock somehow ;) Because if I want to find out something I WILL! Busted-Verfied answer: Warning 1
@MissGomez is fake 1. Selena would never use anye google pic which is ''googelish'' 2. She can't even right english 3. which american celebrity has dayviwes = bilddagboken? That's enough Busted-Verf
@TheCyrus is fake once again! 1.The pic smell ''googlelish'' 2. ''i do not gonna be online...'' Hello? I'M not i and it spells with a big I 3. it's ''merry X-mas'' not christmas LOL that's enough Bu