Tekniskt fel pågår.
På grund av att en server kraschat är det vissa problem att ladda upp bilder.
Flera äldre bilder har även försvunnit till följd av detta, vilket vi beklagar.
Vi arbetar för att få igång det så snart som möjligt.
HAHAHA kolla bilden. Skulle ba säga att vi har fått nya familjemedlemmar @M-Cyrus och ngt med OnlyMiley
LOL! @M-Cyrus is fake! She didn't accepted me! Because she has something to hide! We all know. & IF U DONT ACCEPT ME YOU ARE FAKE & U DID SAW MY LATEST PIC FROM YESTERDAY THATS WHY I KNOW THAT
Skulle ba säga att de finns två nya Miley Cyrus @M-Cyrus och @MileyOnly en av dom är fejk! Som jag vet för tillfället :) Ps: Snälla följ min blogg? :D http://ashsbaby.devote.se/
@Miles-Cyrus is fake! She uploaded a pic of Miley and said ''Im going without shoes so kids dont have to'' on april 13th but Miley said on twitter at april 5 that she was going without shoes on april
Ny profilbild. U likeyy? :)
Skriv till Miley: MileyRayCyrus-FanClub@Hotmail.com hon svarade! Fick den av en nyhets reporter på twitter!
@M-Cyrus is fake! 1. It's ''doesn't make ME fake not ''Im'' wrong gramar LOL 2. She did not accept me haha 3. what not accept everyone? Miley would never ever lock her dayview cause she did not lock
Why are 2 posers watching my dayview? @M-Cyrus & @Miles-Cyrus ? POSERS
''If I loose weight, I’m anorexic. If I gain weight, I’m fat. People often forget how hard it is when everybody judges you. There are a lot of people who can’t get along with this and break down
It's now official Miley have dayview and it's @MileyOnly everyone add @Miles-Cyrus & @M-Cyrus are fake
@MileyOnly I love u so much! I just love you! I can't explain how much u mean to me! Maybe u wont answer here but thanks so much for answering on twitter! Please please never delete your account here!
@MileyOnly u were just a fantasy for me but now u did spoke to me!! I love you so much I hope u realize that Im a big fan of you! Please try to answer my other lettes I sent you in PM ! <3<3<
alla addar @ItsNadjaK
EVERY ONE ADD @MileyOnly @Miles-Cyrus & @M-Cyrus are fake! & other people to
Efter 10 dagars lÃ¥ng väntan har jag äntligen fÃ¥tt ett svar! Man kan ju inte förvänta sig ett svar frÃ¥n en kändis pÃ¥ 2 minuter! Iaf @MileyOnly har svarat exakt samma msn adress som jag sÃ¥g pÃ
@MileyOnly No matter if u lose! But you will always stay on THIS billboard! Miley Ray Cyrus Im in love with that name! Evertime I hear it I go mad becuse I love you so much! I want to meet you Your my
säg till mig vilken kändis som jag ska leta upp :)