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Classification of mollusca pdf: >> << (Download)
Classification of mollusca pdf: >> << (Read Online)
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They lack a shell and the foot. • The head is reduced; cylindrical worm-like body. • Mantle (dorsal epidermis) secretes calcareous scales or spines – providing the animal a shining appearance. • No true gills. • Anus empties into a posterior chamber(serve as mantle cavity). • Marine; In deep sea - abyssal (6000m or more);
Nervous System and Sense Organs. Circumenteric ganglia, paired ventral nc. Most: cerebral, pleural, pedal, visceral, buccal ns development = activity. Giant nerve fibers. (A)Osphradium = Sensory epithelium. Chemoreceptors, sediment monitor. Benthic predators, scavengers. (B) Cephalic tentacles = 1 pair. May bear eyes/
Classification of The Animal. Kingdom (Metazoa) olluscs include some of the best-known invertebrates; almost everyone is familiar with snails, clams, slugs, squids, and octopuses. Molluscan shells have been popular since ancient times, and some cultures still use them as tools, containers, musical devices, money, fetishes
Mollusca - Classification. 2. Cephalopoda - octopus and squid. If you lose the shell and pull the foot down to make a series of tentacles, you make a squid or octopus.
Most molluscs secrete some type of CaCO3 shell from the mantle; they utilize either aragonite or calcite, or a mixture of both. 8.2 Classification. Phylum Mollusca is divided into eight classes, all but one of which are extant today. Class Aplacophora forms no hard parts and has no fossil record, so we will ignore it. The other
Seven classes of mollusks - Four classes covered here. Class Polyplacophora - chitons. Class Gastropoda - Snails, slugs, limpets. Class Bivalvia - Clams, oysters, scallops. Class Cephalopoda- Squids, octopus, cuttlefishes, Nautilus
ZOOLOGY 101 SECTION 7 LECTURE NOTES. Phylum Mollusca: - Mollusks, snails, clams, octopi, etc. o Radula: unique to mollusks, rasping, protrusible, tongue like organ covered in as many as 250,000 teeth Mollusca contains eight classes, the largest classes are: Gastropoda. Bivalvia. Cephalopoda. Polyplacophora.
An outline for the classification of Phylum Mollusca in taxonomic databases revised october, 2008; posted online june 2010. This is un unpublished document summarizing the options taken by the taxonomic editors for the higher classification units (below phylum, above superfamily) of the Mollusca, for the. European
A Classification of the Living Mollusca which was compiled by Kay Cunningham Vaught and published by American Malacologists,. Inc Melbourne, Florida 32902, USA in 1989 was used as the basis for this compilation. The references in that work have not been transferred to this one. I have begun including fossil material,
Numerous molluscs also live in freshwater and terrestrial habitats. They are highly diverse, not just in size and in anatomical structure, but also in behaviour and in habitat. The phylum is typically divided into 9 or 10 taxonomic classes, of which two are entirely extinct. Cephalopod molluscs, such as squid, cuttlefish and