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This paper contains a "'orking table and MollieI' chart of the thermodynamic properties more extensive tables of the thermodynamic properties of butadiene . 01 steam. It was officially adopted by the second. International Steam Table conference [5] held in. London in 1929, and is defined as 3,600/860 (ap- proximately 4
Table 1. Saturated Steam: Temperature Table-Continued. Specific Volume. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. | Sat. Liquid Evap. Liquid Evap vapor. Liquid Evap vapor. Entropy. |Abs PresS. Lb per. |Sg In. Sat. Temp. Fahr. Temp. Vapor. Fahr. V. Vig ls hi hig. Si. Sig? Sg. 460.0. 464.0. 460.0. 464.0. 468.0. 472.0. 476.0. 466.87. 485.56. 504.83.
Committee on Water and Steam in Thermal Systems. The properties are computed from the. “IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam," adopted for industrial use by the International Association for the Properties of Steam (IAPWS). More comprehensive tables and charts
( from M. D. Koretsky, "Engineering and Chemical Thermodynamics", John Wiley & Sons, 2004). Page 2. B_01tbl. 2. Page 3. B_01_cont_tbl. 3. Page 4. 4. Page 5. Saturated Steam: PRESSURE Table. 5. Page 6. B_02tbl. 6. Page 7. B_02_cont_tbl. 7. Page 8. B_03tbl. 8. Page 9. Superheated Steam. 9. Page 10. B_04tbl. 10
Saturated Steam Temperature Table. T , oC p, bar vf, m3/kg vg, m3/kg uf,. kJ/kg ug,. kJ/kg hf,. kJ/kg hg,. kJ/kg sf,. kJ/kg sg,. kJ/kg. 0.01. 0.0061 1.0002 x 10-3. 206.1. 0.01 2376 0.01. 2501 0.0. 9.156. 5.0. 0.0087 1.0001 x 10-3. 147.1. 21.00 2383 21.00 2511 0.0762 9.026. 10.0. 0.0123 1.0001 x 10-3. 106.4. 42.01 2389 42.01
Tables A-2 through A-6 are extracted from J. H. Keenan, F. G. Keyes, P. G. Hill, and J. G. Moore, Steam Tables,. Wiley, New York, 1969. Tables A-7 through A-9 are calculated based on equations from A. Kamei and S. W. Beyerlein, "A Fundamental. Equation for Chlorodifluoromethane (R-22)," Fluid Phase Equilibria, Vol.
Thermodynamic Tables. B.1 Thermodynamic properties of steam, temperature table. B.2 Thermodynamic properties of steam, pressure table. B.3 Thermodynamic properties of superheated steam. B.4 Thermodynamic properties of air. B.5 Specific heats of common gases. B.6 Molar specific heats of common gases.
1.074. 0.814. 1.319. 1000. 14.983. 10.859. 1.380. 1.167. 0.870. 1.341. 1.090. 0.830. 1.313. Source: Kenneth Wark, Thermodynamics, 4th ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1983), p. 783, Table A–4M. Originally published in Tables of Thermal. Properties of Gases, NBS Circular 564, 1955. 910. PROPERTY TABLES AND CHARTS
Table C.1aSI Saturation Temperature Table for Steam in SI Units. T. Psat vf vg vfg hf hg hfg uf ug ufg sf sg sfg. C. kPa m3/kg m3/kg m3/kg. kJ/kg. kJ/kg. kJ/kg. kJ/kg. kJ/kg. kJ/kg. kJ/kg K kJ/kg K kJ/kg K. 0. 0.6119 0.000995 205.94. 205.93. 0.9007. 2500.02 2499.12. 0.9001. 2374.02 2373.12 -0.0013. 9.1582. 9.1595. 2.
Page 1. Fundamenta's of. Engineering. Thermodynamics. MICHAEL J. MORAN. - . HOWARD N. SHAPIRO. Page 2. Page 3. Page 4. Page 5. Page 6. Page 7. Page 8. Page 9. Page 10. Page 11. Page 12. Page 13. Page 14. Page 15. Page 16. Page 17. Page 18. Page 19. Page 20.