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Em dash spaces ap style guide: >> << (Download)
Em dash spaces ap style guide: >> << (Read Online)
7 May 2009 Datelines: Put the city name in capital letters, generally followed by the state or country, and then a long dash. Certain large cities can stand alone; see the AP Stylebook for a listing. State names: When used on their own, spell these out: “Massachusetts is on the Atlantic Ocean." When there's a city or party
23 Feb 2016 AP StylebookVerified account. @APStylebook. A full suite of products to help you stay in style, whether on your desktop, laptop, smartphone or tablet. print, web, mobile. Joined March 2009
23 Dec 2011 Every style guide I checked, except the AP Stylebook, stated there should be no spaces between an em-dash and the adjacent words. That means it is a style choice. If you're writing for a newspaper, magazine, or website that uses Associated Press style, put in the spaces. Otherwise, leave them out.
Spaces with the em dash. The em dash is typically used without spaces on either side, and that is the style used in this guide. Most newspapers, however, set the em dash off with a single space on each side. Most newspapers — and all that follow AP style — insert a space before and after the em dash.
15 Feb 2015 The em dash is typically used without spaces on either side, but many newspapers—which follow AP style—insert a single space both before and after the em dash. The en dash can appear with or without spaces on either side, depending on the application. Usually, it should be used without spaces.
3 Oct 2012 AP style is to add spaces around the em dash; Chicago style is without spaces. What happened yesterday? I found a source that seemed authoritative and went with it. But that source was following the Chicago Manual of Style. We're (mostly) Team AP. See AP vs. Chicago on em dashes and ellipses.
Dashes. Though the em dash typically has the same usage, one tricky issue is the spacing that accompanies them. AP style em dashes (—) have a space before and after. Andy was happy to hear the good news — he had waited all week. Chicago style em dashes do not have spaces before or after. Kathleen and Paul are
There's a part in The Chicago Manual of Style (13.48) which says that you, the writer, can use the three-dot glyph provided in word processors (Option-; or This is the basic difference in how em dashes are rendered in AP style and Chicago style: AP (p. 368): An em dash, like an ellipsis, has a space before and after,
In AP style, there is no such thing as an em dash. Instead, AP style uses the en dash for this use, and puts one space before and after it. Example: Begin the new year—your best one yet—with positive, fresh energy. In marketing and advertising, AP style is the preferred style, along with a house style guide that may include a