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Chartco select manually configure: >> << (Download)
Chartco select manually configure: >> << (Read Online)
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29 Feb 2016 So if you don't select first the berthing and then harbour charts in that order, there is a chance of you missing some charts. Once you have selected the . available to you. These resources can be support from chartco, chart provider, ECDIS manual, UKHO website or your company's marine department.
Now click the E-Mail Settings tab at the top of the screen. In the Vessel E-Mail address field, enter the vessel's email address which will receive the ChartCo Data E-Mails. In the E-Mail Collection Method field, choose the preferred collection method. Options are Manual Attachments, Mail Server, Draft EML File or Microsoft
PassageManager Play all. Here are a selection of short video clips outlining the key features of ChartCo PassageManager and it's services. 3:31. Play next; Play now
To configure PassageManager to update via the ChartCo Internet Servers, carry out the following: Click on the PassageManager Start – Main Menu (bottom left of screen). Click the Communication Client option from the menu and then the Settings button. In the General Settings tab under Ships Details: Ensure the correct
30 Sep 2017 Define the location of the CD Rom and select the 'Load ' button. load ECDIS. The charts will then start to load into the ECDIS. Manual updating: Manual updating allows the navigating officers to apply their own navigational information to supplement the existing ENC data. This information remains separate
PassageManager is ChartCo's flagship software, supplied to all subscribing
This manual has been authored with simplified grammar, to meet the needs of international users. • The operator of this settings. • Save this manual for future reference. • Any modification of the equipment (including software) by persons not authorized by FURUNO will cancel the .. 2.8.3 How to select bearing reference .
27 Mar 2017 Here are a selection of tutorials to help guide you with various key processes within ChartCo PassageManager.
January 2015PROCEDURE FOR CHART/PUB AND ENC'S CORRECTIONS ETC: OVERVIEW OF CHARTCO The following instructions apply to all vessels This must be done manually if the vessel receives this chart. .. On ChartManager select the ENC and then the Setup button on the right hand side.If your Chartco
This ranges from graphical catalogue and outfit views through to