Friday 15 February 2008 photo 2/2
It was a happy day. I went to school and was.. well happy! Spend time with my friends, laughed alot.. I came home, started to make dinner. Then when my mother came home "Ida!" she screamed, "Yeah! I coming!" I went out ti the door and there I see my mother with tears in her eyes. "What is it?" I asked. "Matti is dead" I couldn´t take in what she just had said. Matti was my mother´s brother. Eventually we found out that he had killes himself. It was horrible, we didn´t knew why but we could guess. A month after that the year ended. I wasn´t myself for many weeks and then we had the funeral. It wasn´t fun at all, everyone was crying. I thougt it all was over after that but the very next day my grandfather died, and I collapsed again. I have never been so sad in my whole life. A few weeks later it was time for funeral number two in one month. It was truly horrible. The same day my other uncle was driven to the hospital becouse.. well I exually don´t know, but I thought he was going to die too. But he made it. And that was the end of 2007 and the start of 2008.