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A Brief History of Sunday: From the New Testament to the New Creation
by Justo L. González
In this accessible historical overview of Sunday, noted scholar Justo González tells the story of how and why Christians have worshiped on Sunday from the earliest days of the church to the present.
After discussing the views and practices relating to Sunday in the ancient church, González turns to Constantine and how his policies affected Sunday observances. He then recounts the long process, beginning in the Middle Ages and culminating with Puritanism, whereby Christians came to think of and strictly observe Sunday as the Sabbath. Finally, González looks at the current state of things, exploring especially how the explosive growth of the church in the Majority World has affected the observance of Sunday worldwide.
Readers of this book will rediscover the joy and excitement of Sunday as early Christians celebrated it and will find fresh, inspiring perspectives on Sunday amid our current culture of indifference and even hostility to Christianity.
Details:Amazon rank: #23,863Price: $10.25bound: 176 pagesPublisher: Eerdmans (May 23, 2017)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 0802874711ISBN-13: 978-0802874719Weight: 8 ounces
A Brief History of Sunday: From the New Testament to the New Creation Justo L. González
Creation Magazine Live! TV: "Creation in the New Testament" (Complete) PBMC Published in : 2016-12-02 by BibleTruth101 [Richard Fangrad & Calvin Smith] Many Christians feel that Genesis is a side issue and that modern Christians should just focus on New Testament teachingsJoseph of Arimathea is arrested and sealed up in a room on the day of Jesus' death, the day before Sabbath; he is ordered by a council to be dishonored on the day after Sabbath, but is not found when the door is openedAnd in over thirty languages other than English, the common name for Saturday is a cognate of "Sabbath"The Sabbath Day begins at sundown on Friday and ends at sundown on SaturdayScot McKnight contends that many, conservatives and liberals alike, attempt the same thing with the BibleThe islands were well to the east of this line, so the missionaries observed the Sabbath on the day sequence of the Western HemisphereSign up for our Free newsletter.Sign up today for our newsletter: Christianity Today Weekly NewsletterDead Sea Scrolls Second Temple Ju Acts of Paul, in the latter half of the second century: Paul prays "on the Sabbath as the Lord's Day [kyriake] drew near." Damascus Document, known from the Dead Sea Scrolls monastic community, as well as a previously found copy, contains some of the most detailed Sabbath regulations anywhere: Sabbath is said to begin from when the setting sun "is above the horizon by its diameter"; any discussion of business or commerce on Sabbath is specifically forbidden, as is housecleaning, opening a container, or taking anything in or out of one's house; and the limit for walking outside one's city is set at 1000 cubits, or 2000 cubits if following a herd animalIt calls Christians to stop taming the Bible and to let it speak anew for a new generationLiterature Theology Apocrypha and Pseu 4:31-43): Jesus makes a practice of teaching in the Capernaum synagogue on Sabbath“Many may be surprised," he writes, “to learn that connecting Sunday with the fourth commandment [‘Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy’] finds very little warrant in the early church, and that calling Sunday ‘the Sabbath’ is a relatively new phenomenon." The first Jewish Christians gathered after sunset on Saturday in order to break breadLeave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published16:2, perhaps RevHis faith in Jesus helped save him McKnight gives us scriptural accounts of fasting, along with practical wisdom on benefits and pitfalls, when we should fast, and what happens to our bodies as a result14:5, ColIt is regarded as a form of Sumerian sa-bat ("mid-rest"), rendered in Akkadian as um nuh libbi ("day of mid-repose").[1]access-date= requires url= (help) ^ "14:1"Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy Our MinistryOur MissionOur HistoryOur BeliefsWhat People Are SayingThe Inside StoryCareer OpportunitiesDonateOur BrandsChristianity TodayEn EspaolChristian HistoryNews & ReportingCT WomenCT PastorsBuilding Church LeadersChristian Bible StudiesPreaching TodaySmall GroupsWomen LeadersChristian College GuideChurch Law & Tax ReportChurch Finance TodayIgnite Your FaithMen of IntegritySeminary/Grad School GuideFollow Us Christianity Today strengthens the church by richly communicating the breadth of the true, good, and beautiful GospelSince Jesus is understood to have fulfilled Torah ( your neighbor as yourself." Scot McKnight has come to call this vital teaching of our Lord the Jesus CreedSabbath begins after evening shadows fall on the gates 5d8a9798ff Tags: book OneDrive, book Mega, how to find book without register, free epub, full version original acquire book look, book Mega, book download fb2, free online iphone, mobile pdf, fb2 online find book сhapter, free download via uTorrent, read without register, book without payment, Google Drive, book iCloud, book book free from Galaxy, book from lenovo free, book 2shared, book ipad free, book DepositFiles, ios read library pc thepiratebay, book format djvu, free epub, download free cloud, free macbook read, ios сhapter cheap eng download, free ebook, free iphone
After discussing the views and practices relating to Sunday in the ancient church, González turns to Constantine and how his policies affected Sunday observances. He then recounts the long process, beginning in the Middle Ages and culminating with Puritanism, whereby Christians came to think of and strictly observe Sunday as the Sabbath. Finally, González looks at the current state of things, exploring especially how the explosive growth of the church in the Majority World has affected the observance of Sunday worldwide.
Readers of this book will rediscover the joy and excitement of Sunday as early Christians celebrated it and will find fresh, inspiring perspectives on Sunday amid our current culture of indifference and even hostility to Christianity.