Saturday 21 November 2009 photo 7/9
Alltså. (Superfly är så läskig wtf.)
Pi är så fin. <3
JIN. gud. @.@;; Totally loving when his hair is pulled back and you see his features like that 'cause I mean srsly. So. Beautiful. HIS JAWLINE is probably the sexiest out there. And his eyes. And just. Good god. And, even though he has makeup on, you can tell he has great skin. LUCKY BASTARD. god. give me. ;o;
Pi är så fin. <3
JIN. gud. @.@;; Totally loving when his hair is pulled back and you see his features like that 'cause I mean srsly. So. Beautiful. HIS JAWLINE is probably the sexiest out there. And his eyes. And just. Good god. And, even though he has makeup on, you can tell he has great skin. LUCKY BASTARD. god. give me. ;o;
Sat 21 Nov 2009 14:57
måste hålla med om att japaner överhuvudtaget när dom har håret sådär back i ruffsig toffs/svans is DAMN sexy man
Sat 21 Nov 2009 14:58
ELLERHUR. men jin är sexigast.<br />
HAHA<br />
BIAS. men<br />
det är sant. <3
HAHA<br />
BIAS. men<br />
det är sant. <3
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