December 2008
I´m the arrow and you're my bow shoot me forth then i will go. Make me feel its for real tell me what you know?
And I'm breathing slowly, Like you said to do when you had lost control, My head spins from God's wind, That carries you away from me, Looks like you got away from me, This time, For good...
If I had to I would put myself right beside you So let me ask, Would you like that? And I don't mind If you say this love is the last time So now I'll ask, Do you like that? Something's getting in the
reality was always to far away and we where happy until it came to close one day, my lover had only been a picture ive seen.
Ställ en fråga till mig, vilken som helst och om vad som helst och jag lovar att jag svarar ärligt! (FÖR personliga frågor svarar jag på i privat medelande!) Jag utman