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Everquest classic bard guide: >> << (Download)
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Very very old classic post on how to twist songs using the classic User Interface. Thanks to GW. HOWTO: Twist Bard Songs Introduction Twisting is the practice of weaving two or more songs at the same time by skilled bards, stacking refers to having two or more song/spell effects in place on a target.
Bard Class Guide. Bards are the jack of all trades in EQ but masters of none. They have a large array of abilities making them extremely versatile classes. Their main role in groups vary quite frequently. Sometimes they are used as pullers, other times they are used in place of an Enchanter and sometimes they even just sit
13 Jun 2017 Twisting. This is the pride and bane of the bards. It separates the men from the boys. All the songs on p99 have a 3 second casting time. The great majority of the songs last for three 6-seconds ticks, so depending on the server tick, a normal song will last anywhere between 12-18 seconds.
3 Songs; 4 Skills. 4.1 Combat Skills; 4.2 Musical Skills; 4.3 Casting Skills; 4.4 Miscellaneous Skills. 5 Disciplines; 6 Bard Song Merchants. 6.1 North Freeport; 6.2 Kelethin; 6.3 South Qeynos; 6.4 Erudin . 5, Selo's Accelerando, Percussion, Party: Increase Movement Speed, Qeynos, Freeport, Kelethin, Highkeep, Classic.
11 Mar 2010 Finacol's Secret Bard Guide to EverQuest - 1.3 SOLO QUESTS (1) 2. Groups In the following sections you will find some info regarding the role of a bard in certain groups. Of course it depends on your play style and with who and at what level you are playing together with others, so here you will find some
26 Sep 2017 This is most often because the average EQ player is really lazy. But it is also because Bards have a set of skills that make them quite good pullers. In outdoor zones, Selos and Track makes bards good pullers, but this requires no special tricks. Really, any class with SoW can pull in most outdoor zones.
13 Sep 2015 How well can bards solo in classic eq 1-50 ? In fact, I have leveled 12 characters to level 75+ and the worst to get there was the bard. to scroll to page on the hybrid forums as there is a recent Charm kiting post @ .
Skills. Jacks of all trades. Bards have a unique combination of abilities, making them extremely versatile. Essentially a bard is a cross between almost all the basic classes, yet notably they are plate wearers. The key function of the Bard is that his songs stack with all other buffs. His mana and health
"Bards were a mistake." "The next game we make won't include anything like bards." "Bard code is a mess." "I've never understood bards." Well, I hate to break it to youbut bards are here to stay in Everquest. If bards are hard and cause problems, why, it seems to me, they should be the first thing considered in any design
/r/project1999 is a subreddit for the Project1999 classic EverQuest server. Check out the helpful links section This is a guide to the best way I know how to Bard on P99 but I know I'm not the best Bard so please chime in if you know a better way let or if I'm wrong about anything. I hope this will create some