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Universal Soldier: Regeneration Full Movie In Hindi Free Download-----------------------------------------DOWNLOAD: -----------------------------------------When terrorists threaten nuclear catastrophe, the world's only hope is to reactivate decommissioned Universal Soldier Luc Deveraux. Rearmed and reprogrammed, Deveraux must take on his nemesis from the original Universal Soldier and a next-generation "UniSol".With stolen top-secret technology, terrorists have created a next-generation Universal Soldier - an elite fighter genetically altered into a programmable killing machine. With this "UniSol" (Former UFC Heavyweight Champion Andrei "The Pit Bull" Arlovski) leading the way, they seize the crippled Chernobyl nuclear reactor, threatening to unleash a lethal radioactive cloud. The only one who can stop them is Luc Deveraux (Jean-Claude Van Damme), a UniSol who's been decommissioned for years. Reactivated and retrained, Deveraux must make a full-out assault on the heavily armed fortress. But inside, he'll discover not one but two of these virtually indestructible warriors. Andrew Scott (Dolph Lundgren), Deveraux's vicious UniSol enemy from the original Universal Soldier, has been secretly reanimated and upgraded. Now, these elite fighters are locked, loaded and programmed to kill; and the fate of millions hinges on this high-action showdown.Sorry for bringing that, but the film is overrated. 7.8 for this "downmarket film" , you got to be kidding me . The film starts , and big surprise , I hear some Bulgarian ( I am Bulgarian ) . My first thought : another stupid American film Made in cheap Bulgarian environment . The plot is quite stupid and banal ( I am measuring my words ) ,the acting is mediocre , the cast is OK . This is a low-budget film ,decor is from the Flinstone era. It is not worth seeing .Do not waste your time . Do not get impressed by the cast, JCVD and Lundgren . One of the dumbest films I've seen this year . How come JCVD and Lundgred agreed to play in this "joke" ? They should change agents , especially JCVD .Prepare to be surprised. A direct to video sequel starring JCVD and Dolph Lundgren that is not only watchable, but entertaining! JCVD reprises his role as Luc Deveraux who just when he thinks he's out, they PULL him back in. Apparently being a zombie face-kicker engine of death is a hard habit to break. Dolph Lundgren is there too...though I have to admit he's not really needed. He doesn't really show up til the movie is half over and then he's not alive for very long. It's a nice nod to the first movie, but it kinda breaks up the pacing. And last but not least, some UFC guy called the pit-bull, not given too many lines but lots of spines to remove, he's definitely playing to his strengths. The story is simple, the action is intense, and there's very little acting required of the leads. If only more S2V productions followed this formula. Check it out.It might, in fact, be the best straight-to-DVD action movie ever made. And the fact that there’s any competition for that title should tell you that times have changed.Yes. "Universal Soldier: Regeneration" (2009) has retconned "The Return" to the point none of the events of the movie ever happened in the main Universal Soldier continuity. "The Return" is now a self-contained alternate universe.
- For instance, in "Regeneration" it is strongly hinted that Luc Deveraux never reverted to the "human" state, nor such process is ever possible to accomplish.
- In "Regeneration" it is apparent Luc never had a daughter as once depicted in "The Return", nor he seems able to psychologically adjust to human life again and mate as a "normal" people.
- Even more importantly, in "Regeneration" it is officially stated that the N.G.U. project ("The White Tower") is just the second attempt at producing UniSols, not the third one.
- Finally, you can notice in "The Return" Luc displays white/gray streaks in his hair that are nowhere to be seen in "Regeneration".
Generally speaking, "Regeneration" totally ignores "The Return" and even contradicts it. Yes, but it is implied in the movie that this is a clone of Andrew Scott, not the original person. When the container he is being transported in is opened, the scientist says, "We've come a long way from regenerating sheep." 646f9e108c