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På grund av att en server kraschat är det vissa problem att ladda upp bilder.
Flera äldre bilder har även försvunnit till följd av detta, vilket vi beklagar.
Vi arbetar för att få igång det så snart som möjligt.
Allt som kamerorna fick med under tävlingen på uppcon... Oo Baksidan av mig! ^^;;;
Hur många timmar har du som mest suttit vid datorn?
tvåsiffrigt är det iaf. X'D Min
Hade typ.... en temadag idag! ^^ Det kan ni se fram emot ca varje fredag. ^^ Jag var L idag. Igen... Oo X'D Är jag ju hela tiden jueh...
L äter kakor, och socker... och dricker en massa te. =)
Sockerbitar! Oo
Huhu? ville du nåt? X'D
Chokladboll ftw!
Dricka te! (Märk väl, jag håller på att rita kroki, så det L tittar på här är en naken gubbe. X'D lolz) Första gången jag ritar kroki, och min f
Det var sista bilden just nu! ^^ *stirrar på kameran*
Jag funderade på vilka cosplays jag har gjort och kom på iden med att göra ett sorts galleri. Jag har redan lagt upp detta på livejournal, men jag ville lägga upp det h&aum
THIS is by far the BESTEST cosplay I've ever done in my life. *_____* I even got the nickname L after I did this one. TT__TT *happy honoured tears*
I love Prince of Tennis and I always will. ^^ I got as far as actually BUYING an entire outfit... Oo
Then, An Café took over my brain for a while, and I decided to cosplay Miku. I did a mix of two of his outfits, since I couldn't find the clothes to one of the hats and couldn't find the hat to
Schuldig... aww, the smexx he IS!! <33 This is the only costume I somewhat have won an award for. I won because of the wig, which I painted with a copicmarker! Oo It was blonde from the start and I
Mello. ^^ I cosplayed him at the convention where I first met elict! <33<3<3 Also...
...at that same convention, I cosplayed Near. It was a hell of a running back and forth to change in the contest. X'D
Then, my funniest cosplay ever. ^^ I've cosplayed Watari... I mean, he's an old man! Oo I was kinda broke, living on my own and only eating makaronies and such, so I was pretty thin, pale and looked h
At the same convention I was Watari, I did a spoof-thing with a slightly fail Fuji. It was just for fun, and I had my Mello cosplay with me, so the Mello wig worked with Fuji.
Närcon! =) I cosplayed Matt! It was a costume I'd been wanting to do ever since I started talking to elictabout it. (this was before we got together) ^^ We were planning to do a paircosplay with
Kikumaru Eiji! TT__TT My absolutely favourite cosplay! This is the ultimate cosplay for me. I haven't done it seriously yet though... Just been running around with the clothes and slightly styled hair
Uppcon cosplay! ^^ It was a project I was in on with a bunch of other Akatsuki cosplayers. Unfortunately, there weren't much pictures or cosplaying for me, since the contest was a total failure.
This cosplay is my latest one and also the one I used in the contest for Uppcon 08. It's also the very very first cosplay I've sewn myself. It's my best cosplay suit by far, and I would like to really
Jag är såååååååååååå klumpig!! TT__TT Jag råkade spilla dressing på mitt tangentbord!! Fy fan vad jag suger!
Fail emo... Oo X'D
Mhm...randig tröja ftw
Bilder fint redigerade av Elict, för att jag inte kan photoshop. -_-