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Putting up all the pictures from japan now~ Partly in english because I'm lazy. This is the airport in Helsinki. View over it from a restaurant.
Plane take-off! :D
I really like this photo. I zoomed in and it doesn't look like it's taken through a window at all, or what do you think? :3 This was when we were entering Japan airspace.
There were a lot of strange landmarks.
Hahaha, this made me laugh. This was hard to catch a photo of. It was the best of the ones I took.
See that? The biggest statue I've ever seen. It was really something I scrambled with the camera to actually get a good picture of. It disappeared too quickly though.
lolol it says "Sankyu" 8Db
And it's a landing. O:
Aaand this is Osaka airport. It took a while to get to this side as they had to take fingerprints and photos and stuff before letting anyone through.
Osaka airport trainstation.
The ticket automats. Very easy to operate :3 You just need to find your station |Db
It took forever to find Micke, since his train had been delayed, and he had no way to tell us. So we were walking around and around the place to find him.
On the train to Kyoto.
Train floor~
I think I fell asleep during half of the trip.
Oh, and Japan was warm. Very warm, and sunny. It almost feels like early summer. ♥ (...then it got colder than Sweden and it wasn't so summery anymore :|)