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net_sendpacket error wsaeintr
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2 min - Uploaded by Leonardo Souza Novo canal Solução para arrumar o fatal erro. Please someone help me with this prb on counter strike 1.6 i can't play online,it just set me this:NET_SendPacket ERROR:WSAEINTR. 2013-08-05 03:50. #9. Russia vique. never had this problem :/ 2013-08-05 06:28. #10. North America [unknown]. i have this problem right now and its annoying af. 2016-08-17 15:44. why does CS keep shutting down after gettin that error message on xp do i fix it? Cuando recibes el error: NET_SendPacket ERROR:WSAEINTR esto esta básicamente causado cuando tu ordenador esta usando el puerto 27005 (el puerto clientport default del CS). Te recomiendo que como solución intentes usar otro client port, añadiendo a tu linea de lanzamiento del cs el parametro:. Play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Counter-Strike 1.6, and Team Fortress 2 in a cheat free environment and compete to win cash and prizes. Hi! Problem I have a problem called net_sendpacket error: wsaeintr and no error. This problem comes in the game called Wolfenstein: enemy territory.... tomo. Registered Member #80. Joined: Tue Nov 07 2006, 20:37:53. Posts: 212. Anyone having problems with this message? CZ just lost connection? Fatal Error NET_SendPacket ERROR:NO ERROR Thanks. Back to top. NET_sendpacket ERROR: WSAEINTR - What the **** is this error and why do I keep getting it every 10-15 minutes into a game of Counter-Strike? Well, I tryed putting -noipx in the targe. NET_SendPacket ERROR: NO ERROR. Cre ok se debe a k el XP se reserva un ancho de banda, pero tiene solucion: 1.inicio, ejecutar:gpedit.msc 2.aparecen las directivas de grupo, vete a configuración de equipo. plantillas administrativas. Net_sendPacket ERROR: WSAEINTR. Mi problema es este cuando de estoy jugando en el cs y tiran humo o hay mucha aglomeracion de gente. Se me sale del cs y me da un error exactamente es una ventanita k me dice fatal error Net_sendPacket. NET_sendpacket ERROR: WSAEINTR. Pues este error me da cuando intento jugar al 1.6 y me gustaria saber cual es la causa y como se puede arreglar, gracias de antemano.P.D: pal tipico comentario. NET_sendpacket ERROR:WSAEINTR. Wenas. Cuando juego al CS en LAN (en internet no puedo xq toy desde una red de una univerisdad) me da este error. ¿alguien sabe lo q es y como arreglarlo???Gracias. For Counter-Strike on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Fatal Error NET_SendPacket ERROR: WSAEINTR HELP PLEASE". ну ты что глупенький штоль ? я же тебе ещё когда играли сказал что эта ошибка из-за хреновой связи . Поменяй провайдера и всё будет как надо (если не будет хуже). А в общем посмотрел бы форум прежде чем новую тему вешать . Тут на эту тему наверно самое большое количество вопросов. Кстати ты. Im in the mddle of a game right, and im going well...wehn all of the sudden it just shuts down on me.. and it comes up with an error saying NET_SENDPACKET ERROR: NO ERROR and im really confuzed and pissed off and my computer aint that fast and i h8 having to restart it. does anyone know how to fix this? Add Post. Hey everyone. Every time i play a game it always shuts off and says: FATAL ERROR Net_SendPacket ERROR: WSAEINTR what does it mean? If anyone has any suggestions please reply. Thanks. 8 12 16 20. Image Url: Alignment: Inline, Centered, Left, Right. Hey everyone. Every time i play a game it. I Installed XP, cuz i get lower ping, and back on winME and 98 sec ed. I'd get high pings in the 300's to 500's. Everytime I play Counter-Strike on my 56k connection, I always get these 2 errors NET_sendpacket error: No ERROR NET_sendpacket error: WSAEINTER Can someone help me please with this. fatal error: NET_SENDPACKET ERROR: WSAEINVAL. Bueno, como dice el titulo, eso me sale al correr el CS. Esto si lo corro desde mi escritorio. Pero cuando entro al juego para correrlo desde la consola, simplemente me aparece como que el server no existiera o estuviera offline. Si alguien tiene una. Weet iemand hoe ik dit probleem kan op lossen? Het gebeurt onwillekeurig tijdens het spelen van Counter-strike. Dan flipt het spel terug naar het menu en krijg ik een window met "NET_SendPacket ERROR: WSAEINTR" daarna sluit hij het hele spel af. Ik draai WinXP Pro. Lucent Winmodem 56K en heb. I was playing on an server, after I trying to connect to another this happens all the time.... Another Steam Bug *_`. Someone else have this error? dasha is offline. dasha. View Public Profile · Find More Posts by dasha. Thread Tools. Posting Rules. You may not post new threads. You may not post replies. Forum discussion: I keep getting this error: Here is my setup: AMD XP 2000+ 1024Mb DDR Nvidia Ti-4200 128Mb Windows XP SP2 RoadRunner Cable Internet Connection D-Link DI-512 Wir. hola gente... Un amigo se ha comprado el Dod v1.3, el paquete el counter strike antologia. Tras decargarlo(lo compramos por internet) nos ponemos a jugar y nos sale este dichoso error como a los dos minutos de comenzar a jugar: NET_SendPacket ERROR:WSAEINTR Buscando por internet he visto. I have a problem with playing steam based fps games. FATAL ERROR cs 1.6. Foros · Counter-Strike; FATAL ERROR cs 1.6. Do_Well karma: 5.04 | 12-07-2012 15:00 post #1. me sale este mensage algunas veces al abrir el cs o intentar entrar a un sv NET_SendPacket ERROR: WSAEINTR aver q es eso porq no tengo ni idea. This is a thing for CS at TFC I cant play Tf2 becuase I lag off the server. how do I fix this. Showing 1-1 of 1 comments. [Pfeffer]draco · View Profile View Posts. Oct 21, 2013 @ 1:39pm. This error is usually a client side psoblem. Several solutions are located here:. 19. září 2012. Net_SendPacket ERROR: WSAEINTR..Toto mi vyhazuje sem tam , když se chci připojit na server, kdo mi pomůže co s tím budu rád :-) Net_sendpacket Error Wsaeintr Cs 1.6. Sign in to make your opinion count. JosephGui 49,348 views 2:44 Se Cierra Solo El Counter Strike 1.6 [Solución] - Duration: 3:05. por que no encontraba para cambiarle la opcion de lanzamiento y asi salio andando al toque Tienes que ser miembro para responder en este tema. Please help!! get this horrible error when playing counterstrike! I'm using a laptop, with xp sp2. My connection is trough a router and wireless. My neighbour uses the same network and he encounters. need more info: what OS? XP or 2k?? motherboard type? you can try this too: add "+clientport 27055" to the end of your command line, as this error sometimes comes up from. XP trying to use the 27015 port, or whatever it is that CS connects on by default the problem is a Windows socket error, caused. as vezes quando estou jogando cs, o jogo sai do nada e aparece esta mensagem: NET_SendPacket error: no error o que seria isso? o jogo nao chega nem. Every time i play a game on steam it always shuts off and says FATAL ERROR Net_SendPacket ERROR: WSAEINtr wtf is that. Halloj! När jag har connectat till en server och spelat i några minuter,stängs cs av och det kommer upp en lite ruta där det står NET_sendPacket ERROR: WSAEINTR. Precis när detta händer försvinner även uppkopplingen i några sekunder.Cs är inte det enda spel som påverkas av detta även andra "icke-steam spel" får. Salut indungi, Am si eu o problema la counter strike 1.6 on steam,cand vreau sa joc pe un server imi apare o eroare la harta,as dori o rezolvare a acestei p... Svaki put kad pokušavam da se konektujem na CS 1.6 server ispadne mi NET_Sendpacket Error: WSAEINTR, i izbaci me iz igrice. Ovo trpim već 2 meseca i već mi je muka od tog error-a. Jel mi neko može pomoći, pls? NET_SendPacket ERROR:WSAEINTR,tema , Cuestiones sobre la versión 1.5 de Counter-Strike en Surfear,Juegos,Counter-Strike,Counter-Strike 1.5. Hi, I have a problem on my Sven co-op 5.0, on every 30 secs i play sven co-op this error appears and the game closes: NET_SendPacket ERROR: NO ERROR How i can resolve this? :( NET_SendPacket ERROR:NO ERROR is the exact message, it happens very often that i had to reconnect to the server to continue play every time it happen. i dont get it and i dont know what to do...please help!! Thanks ps: i'm playing CS 1.3 with local wireless network (ad-hoc), not using internet server. Fatal Error Net_sendpacket Error Wsaeintr. Well, looks like I stumped the panel. Thanks Connect both 6 pin PCI-E connectors to the power supply. however, and I was puzzled. It used to max out at 2 hoursdead but my AC power cord remained green.Does anyone have any specificorder to get everything back to normal. Meu cs abri normalmente , mais minutos depois ele fecha e aparece um erro chamado NET_SendPacket ERROR: WSAEINTR. Você não tem permissões suficientes para ver os arquivos anexados nesta mensagem. Bon voilà quand je lance CS avec steam tout se passe bien , idem pour les serveurs et la connection , mais dès que je joue , au bout de 1 ou 2 minutes , il me fait retour sur windows et m´affiche c - Topic problème ! NET_SendPacket ERROR WSAEINTR du 06-11-2005 13:50:55 sur les forums de NET_SendPacket ERROR: WSAEINTR - posted in Internett og nettverk: Jeg får den feilen i CS når jeg kobler til en server....Har XP Home og jeg bruker WLAN koblet til en 3Com Router..... Kan noen hjelpe meg? Jezeli doznajesz takiego bledu: NET_SendPacket ERROR:WSAEINTR jest to zwykle spowodowane, gdy komputer, którego aktualnie uzywasz korzysta z domyslniego portu klienta 27005. To rozwiazanie moze pomóc równiez innym typom bledów WINSOCK. Mozliwe przyczyny: 1. Zly dll Winsock'a 2. hey all, n e 1 know y in COUNTER-STRIKE - since i installed XP i have been getting this message + server connection dropps: CS: NET_SendPacket ERROR: WSAEINTR i get like, 5 mins of gameplay then it quits with this error with the option "OK". yeh loads of help :) lol. heres my specs: 56k modem (yeh yeh yeh, quit ya. Net_Sendpacket ERROR:WSAEINTR Troubleshooting. Gente, esse erro NET_SendPacket ERROR:WSAEINTR acontece quando tento jogar online em algum server de CS 1.6 (nao por hamachi). Quando isso acontece o CS fec... Error Net SendPacket ERROR:WSAEINTR. Мнение от Marvin » Нед Окт 02, 2011 10:14 am. Може би тук не му е мястото, но не намерих къде да го сложа, за което се извинявам. Преинсталирах си windows-а и винаги когато вляза в War ми излиза това. Можете ли да ми помогнете? Изображение. Marvin Voila mon probleme: Quand je joue a counter-strike 1.6 en wifi ce message apparait au bout de quelques secondes : Fatal Error : NET_SendPacket ERROR: WSAEINTR J'ai le wifi avec ma freebox avec la ca. Recommended: In order to repair your system and Net_sendpacket Error Wsaeintr Counter Strike, download and run Reimage. This repair tool will locate, identify, and fix thousands of Windows errors. Your computer should also run faster and smoother after using this software. File Size 746 KB. Compatible Windows XP. NET_SendPacket ERROR:WSAEINTR : מדי פעם שאני נכנס לסרברים זה רושם לי NET_SendPacket ERROR:WSAEINTR ויוצא מהמשחק וזה מטריף אותי... תמונה : when i play counterstrike after about 10 min it drops out of the game and gives me this error. net_sendpacket error:WSAEINTR system spec is AMD k62-500 256 meg ram windows XP PRO 56k external web exel modem(rockwell chipset) 4gig drive matrox nvidia 16meg pci vidio card on board sound. Novo canal Solução para arrumar o fatal erro net_sendpacket error wsaeintr # [vcache] MinFileCache="8192" MaxFileCache="8192". why does CS keep shutting down after gettin that error message on xp do i fix it? help with NET_sendpacket – TechSpot Forums. Page 2- NET_SendPacket ERROR: WSAEINTR Counter-strike. För ett par dagar sedan då jag var inne och spelade CS genom Spelarenan så kastade datorn ut mig ur CS, den stängde alltså rent av den så att jag hoppade ut... NET_SendPacket ERROR: WSAEINTR. Salut, sper sa vada cine trebe postul asta ca m-a disperat problema asta, habar nam de la ce poate fi..deci: Am steam cumparat de aici de pe site 10 Euro .. il am instalat si acasa si la firma, windowsurile sunt curate recent instalate (1-2 sapt) pe ambele calculatoare,. Depuis un certain temps, lorsque je lance un serveur cstrike, je rencontre ce message "NET_Sendpacket ERROR : WSAEINTR" et me fais deconnecter. Cette erreur se produit à n'importe quel moment sans être attaché à un evènement particulier. Le serveur peut marcher durant 1/2heure comme 2 min. Inlägg: 12. Har ett problem när jag kopplar upp mig via Steam. Jag får då upp följande fel: "Error: NET_SendPacket ERROR WSAEINTR" Och jag tror detta är felet: 3. Conflicting Ports: Try adding this to the end of your launch properties: +clientport 27025. Men hur går jag tillväga med det som står ovan? cu aceasta problema (Net_Sendpacket Error)? Ei bine, a mers rezolvarea care mi-ati dat-o... a mers, 2-3 luni, dupa care, de vreo 3 zile a aparut iar: "Net_sendpacket error", atunci cand intru intr-un server de cs. Nu stiu ce sa fac... qos packet scheluder l-am instalat, am restarta pc-ul, apoi am dezinstalat,. Hey also ich bekomme teilweise beim cs zocken diesen error net_sendpacket error wsaeintr d.h. ich flieg ausm game auf windows.. dies ist dann nauterlich im war oder eswar nicht so schön wenn man dann mal so 1-2 oder sogar 4-5 rausfliegt. ich bekomme den error immer unterschiedlich d.h. manchmal. Arkadaşlar önceden öbür pc de cs vardı ona format attım bu pc ye yükledim.patch , sxe filan herşeyi yükledim.oyuna girdikten 1 dk sonra masa üstüne geçerek ; "NET_SendPacket ERROR:WSAEINTR" sorununu çıkarı oyundan atıyor. İnternette araştırdım ağ ayarladından QoS Packet Scheduler'ı. NET_sendpacket ERROR:WSAEINTR. Post by vid0ck » Mon Apr 18, 2005 4:49 pm. Need help plz aconteçe este erro kando tou a jogar dod ou cs "NET_sendpacket ERROR:WSAEINTR" Alguem k m possa explicar o que devo faxer?? vid0ck: Mancebo Mancebo: Posts: 6: Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2005 4:43 pm. Top.