Saturday 11 November 2017 photo 8/20
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When you fill in your About your page, just keep in mind all of your friends will be reading this information about you. Tap the option at the bottom of the page. Click make facebook private to friends only if you want to name specific people who can see it or specific lists of people. Not the answer you're frjends for. We also use a part of your profile, called your Public Profile, to help connect you with friends and family. Keep your posting and status updates to a reasonable amount. Look facegook the small pencil icon to the right of where it says "Friend Requests" and "Find Friends" near the top of the page, but below your cover photo. Hashtags can look redundant and are unnecessary when they are posted on Facebook. What this means is that your friends list is really only as safe as the privacy settings used by your friends. The more you are connecting on the service, the more useful it becomes and the more time you'll ultimately spend on the site. This should work unless the person has a privacy setting. Your options include: Public, Friends, Only Me or Custom. That privacy menu is shown in the image above, at the bottom. Link your Friendds profile to other social media sites. Tap Limit old posts. Doing so will open the chat bar. It's a good idea to change the default setting for who can see your list of Facebook pals to "Friends," so only people you've friended on Facebook will have access to this list. If you don't want people to be able to post on your timeline select no one. Submit any pending changes before refreshing this page. Otherwise, if you send a broad public message one day, you may inadvertently wind up sending a very private message to the entire world tomorrow.For who can see what others post on your timeline you can select friends, friends of friends Or choose custom and select only me if you don't want anyone to be able to see what's posted on your timeline. Facebook will then take you to your event, where you can share posts, upload photos, invite more guests, and edit event details. These images are from the 2013 Facebook privacy settings, which tend to change every year. It reads "Do you want search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile?Hope this works for everyone! Click box on the left of "finishing editing", "edit album privacy" appears.