August 2010
Had a amazing day yesterday (night) haha alfredo,justin,caitlin and christian its nothing i cant explain the day , : P if you want too know what we did you can just ask christian ; )
I know im cool at the pic : ) well many are asking about my msn , well i will give you my msn , but i should first made a fan msn , so we can talk , well it would be tonight , you will talk with
Me and christian ; )Lol ___haha christian : BOY : p
Justin´s World tour ! here comes some pix... i said take it easy with gurls ! my turn now !!! @jbieeber
Justin´s World tour ! here comes some pix... i know we are wierd but what the **** we only live once right ?
Justin´s World tour ! here comes some pix... sorry @jbieeber i think im better than you at singing look you are dancing ... xD