Wednesday 23 April 2008 photo 2/3
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1. Hur gammal är du om fem år?
2. Vem tillbringade du minst två timmar med i dag?
my parents? lol xD
3. Hur lång är du?
i was told i was like 170.. lol xD
4. Vilken är den senaste filmen du sett och med vem?
i watched a gathering of the simpsons-episodes (too hot for tv) earlier today, with my headache :D
5. Vem ringde du senast?
My dentist ftw!
6. Vem ringde dig senast?
Telenor o/ "plx be our coztumr agen plz?"
7. Hur löd det senaste sms:et du fick?
"Frisk?" (mom)
8. Föredrar du att ringa eller skicka sms?
Sms, scared of calls o,o
9. Är dina föräldrar gifta eller skilda?
mawwied :3
10. När såg du senast din mamma?
Monday D:
11. Vilken ögonfärg har du?
12. När vaknade du i dag?
09:30 (What the hell, flurkie, why does your answers match mine so darn much?)
13. Vilken är din favoritjulsång?
I don't know it's name, not even the text, only the melody...
14. Vilken är din favoritplats?
Stratford-upon-Avon, England
15. Vilken plats föredrar du minst?
Any shoeshop. I don't know why, but shoeshops are my worst enemy.
16. Var tror du att du befinner dig om tio år?
Well I'm planning to become something that has to do with ancient Egypt (archeologist), so since there is no such thing as a museum here, nevertheless a museum with egyptian items, IIIIII doubt that I'll be staying here. Maybe somewhere by British Museum? Oh nose, not London o_____o I couldn't sleep there. Somewhere outside. In a tent. With lots of other archeologists. Nowhere near a city. Oh yeah 8D<3
17. Vad skrämde dig om natten som barn?
That I thought that *I* had to become a mother when I grew up. I thought I really *HAD* to. But the thought of becoming a mother still scares me. So that.
18. Vad fick dig verkligen att skratta senast?
I don't remember because it wasn't really funny. But I was sick, and then I'm able to laugh at anything D:
19. Hur stor är din säng?
1 1/2 normal size, according to mom
20. Har du stationär eller bärbar dator?
Both, but I hate my laptop. Biiiiiig time. ~glares at her backpack~
21. Sover du med eller utan kläder på dig?
PJ ^w^
22. Hur många kuddar har du i sängen?
23. Hur många landskap har du bott i?
What? o_o how many houses I've lived in? Deux~
24. Vilka städer har du bott i?
25. Föredrar du skor, strumpor eller barfota?
Depends on when it is and where it is. I prefer naked feet indoors when its warm, but not outside when its snowing >n<
26. Är du social?
Nose :3 And proud of it xD
27. Vilken är din favoritglass?
Chocolate :O
28. Vilken är din favoritefterrätt?
Cookies :D But they can be used for aaaaall sorts of fud ^.^
29. Tycker du om kinamat?
Never tried, only japanese fud (sushi) :O
30. Tycker du om kaffe?
Never (lol almost wrote never heard of) tasted :O
31. Vad dricker du till frukost?
O'boy/Nesquik (dont remember which one we have.. think its Nesquik) or juice
32. Sover du på någon särskild sida?
Belly or curled into a ball on the side (dosent really matter which) :O
33. Kan du spela poker?
Nefur tried.
34. Tycker du om att mysa/kela?
Ja, mycket :3 So MYSA ME! D':
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Thu 24 Apr 2008 11:53
you do not have to be either. xD not yet, not later, it's nothing you are forced to be. Xd

Thu 24 Apr 2008 08:50
~pat~no wai, he wont get close to it :3

Thu 24 Apr 2008 08:25
most likely it was him, he was jelous over it :o

Thu 24 Apr 2008 08:26
oh NOSE :O he's gonna thif my noodle-recipe ~sits on the floor crying out loud~

Thu 24 Apr 2008 01:03
you are to youg to be a mother still, so don't need to think about that XD

Wed 23 Apr 2008 20:46
Nevah, I not do you dizzy :<

Wed 23 Apr 2008 20:47
but then you could tell me, couldn't you? who made me dizzy? was it plankton from spongebob squarepants?! DID HE TAKE OVER MY BRAIN IN ORDER TO GET MY SECRET NOODLE-RECIPE?! O_____________________O

Wed 23 Apr 2008 19:34
12. När vaknade du i dag?
09:30 (What the hell, flurkie, why does your answers match mine so darn much?)
Because I R IN UR HEAD 8D xD ^^
09:30 (What the hell, flurkie, why does your answers match mine so darn much?)
Because I R IN UR HEAD 8D xD ^^

Wed 23 Apr 2008 19:35
Wed 23 Apr 2008 15:20
I can help out with no.34 ^_^
n' btw.... fail on no.24: "WHICH town/towns have you lived in?" .... one is probably what have lived in, yeah... but which one? XXD
no.23: landscapes.... in sweden there are several landscapes, for ex. Skåne, Blekinge, Dalarna, Värmland n' so on.... sweden is hereby divided up in many parts... you have it like that in Norway, or is it just one big country? :P
21: need better answer, girl! XXD
17: HAHAHAHA I read really wrong. Thought it was your MOM that scared you at night! >__<
8: gif number... I'll call you straight away! XDD
5: WTF? it should be FTL! XO
n' btw.... fail on no.24: "WHICH town/towns have you lived in?" .... one is probably what have lived in, yeah... but which one? XXD
no.23: landscapes.... in sweden there are several landscapes, for ex. Skåne, Blekinge, Dalarna, Värmland n' so on.... sweden is hereby divided up in many parts... you have it like that in Norway, or is it just one big country? :P
21: need better answer, girl! XXD
17: HAHAHAHA I read really wrong. Thought it was your MOM that scared you at night! >__<
8: gif number... I'll call you straight away! XDD
5: WTF? it should be FTL! XO

Wed 23 Apr 2008 15:21
34: :<
24: Right. I knew that! :D
23: Oh :3 Like regions, or like in Norway - kommuner
21: But I sleep in a PJ, darnit xD
17: xD
8: Nose, no ring!!1
5. No, no! He cancelled 8D
24: Right. I knew that! :D
23: Oh :3 Like regions, or like in Norway - kommuner
21: But I sleep in a PJ, darnit xD
17: xD
8: Nose, no ring!!1
5. No, no! He cancelled 8D
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