Thursday 1 November 2007 photo 1/1
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>Put an x in front of the ones that you've have done and send to all your friends! >>(x) skipped school >>(x) seen someone die >>(x) been in love >>( ) been dumped >>( ) shoplifted >>( ) been in a fist fight >>(x) snuck out of your parent's house >>(x) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back >>( ) gone on a blind date >>( ) been to Canada >>( ) been to Mexico >>(x) been on a plane (MALTA!!!!) >>( ) eaten Sushi >>(x) been snowboarding (the first and LAST time I snowboarded I broke my wrist…;) ) >>( ) been moshing at a concert >>( ) taken painkillers >>(x) love someone or miss someone right now >>(x) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by >>(x) made a snow angel >>(x) had a tea party (yeah with my Britsh aunt Judith…) >>(x) flown a kite >>(x) built a sand castle >>(x) gone puddle jumping >>(x) played dress up >>(x) jumped into a pile of leaves >>(x) gone sledding >>(x) cheated while playing a game >>(x) been lonely >>(x) fallen asleep at school >>(x) watched the sun set >>(x) felt an earthquake >>(x) touched a snake >>(x) slept beneath the stars >>(x) been tickled >>( ) been robbed >>(x) been misunderstood >>( ) petted a reindeer/goat >>(x) won a contest >>( ) had a parent run a red light >>(x) been in a car accident >>( ) had braces >>( ) felt like an outcast >>(x) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night (det hander varje sommar…) >>(x) had deja vu >>(x) hated yourself and the way you look >>( ) witnessed a crime >>( ) squished barefoot through the mud >>(x) been lost >>( ) been to the opposite side of the country (no but wait till May!) >>(x) swam in the ocean >>(x) played cops and robbers >>( ) recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers >>(x) sung karaoke >>(x) paid for a meal with only coins >>(x) made prank phone calls >>(x) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose >>(x) caught a snowflake on your tongue >>( ) danced in the rain >>(x) written a letter to Santa Claus >>( ) been kissed under a mistletoe >>(x) watched the sun rise with someone you care about >>(x) blown bubbles >>(x) made a bonfire on the beach >>( ) crashed a party >>(x) gone rollerskating >>(x) had a wish come true >>( ) worn pearls >>( ) ate dog/cat food >>(x) sang in the shower >>(x) have a little black dress >>(x) had a dream that you married someone >>( ) glued your hand to something >>( ) got your tongue stuck to a flag pole >>( ) kissed a fish >>( ) been a cheerleader (???) >>(x) sat on a roof top >>(x) screamed at the top of your lungs >>( ) done a one handed cart-wheel >>( ) talked on the phone for more than 6 hours (but I think 2-3 are not so bad ;) ) >>(x) stayed up all night (JJJJJAAAAA!!!!) >>( ) picked and ate an apple right off the tree (not apples, but we go stealing cherries in fields every year in May and then give a mark from 0 to 10 to every field…however a friend of mine ate a worm in an apple picked down directly from an apple-tree XD ) >>(x) climbed a tree (of course! I climbed those cherry-trees!) >>( ) had a tree house (but always dreamt of it…) >>(x) are scared to watch scary movies alone (I’ve never menaged to watch IT by St. King) >>(x) believed in ghosts >>( ) have more then 30 pairs of shoes >>( ) worn a really ugly outfit to school just to see what others say >>( ) pushed into a pool with all your clothes on >>(x) broken a bone (can u remember of my snowboarding experience?) >>(x) been easily amused >>(x) caught a fish then ate it >>(x) caught a butterfly >>(x) laughed so hard you cried >>( ) cried so hard you laughed >>(x) cheated on a test (just one? Bella buttini, galli, fornaciari, bertolla, marchignoni, marsili e tanti altri…vabbè dai anche la donzega che beccò il povero albus,,,) >>( ) have a Britney Spears CD >>(x) forgotten someone's name >>( ) French braided someone's hair >>(x) been to any other countries besides yours >>( ) had serious surgery >>(x) gone out in public in your pyjamas (just last July…at Albus’s birthday-party, he’s one of my best friends) >>(x) kissed a stranger (ursäkta Hanna B. ;) ) >>(x) hugged a stranger (ursäkta igen XD ) >>( ) been arrested >>(x) had alcohol >>(x) pushed all the buttons on an elevator >>(x) swore at your parents >>( ) kicked a guy where it hurts >>( ) been in love >>( ) been close to love >>( ) been to a casino >>( ) skinny-dipped >>( ) saw a therepist/counsellor >>( )done the splits >>(x)played spin the bottle (dire, fare baciare. lettera, testamento, pioggia, vento…) >>( ) gotten stitches >>(x) drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour (my granny called me her “lil’ calf”) >>(x) bitten someone >>( ) been to Niagara Falls >>( ) gotten the chicken pox >>( ) crashed into a friend's car >>( ) been to Japan >>(x) ridden in a taxi >>( ) been fired >>(x) lied to a friend >>( ) had a crush on a teacher (geography test: “sorry mrs, I can’t understand question number 7…?” “OH, WHY DON’T U PREPARE THE TEST FOR ME NEXT TIME?!?!”…fuck mrs. Guidetti) >>( ) celebrated mardi >>(x) been to Europe (…) >>( ) Been to Africa >>(x) Driven interstate- >>(x) Been Skiing (if u haven’t realised it yet, I gave up snowboarding definitively…) >>(x) Met someone in person from the internet >>( ) been to a motor cross show >>( ) lost a child >>( ) had a crush on someone you shouldn't >>( ) own an ipod >>(x)own an mp3 player >>(x) fancy someone on your contact list >>(x) kissed a girl >>( ) kissed a boy (?!) >>( ) fainted >>( ) purposely set a part of yourself on fire >>(x) questioned your heart >>( ) been obsessed with post-it notes >>(x) cried yourself to sleep >>(x) done something you told yourself you wouldn't >>( ) jumped off a bridge >>(x) kissed a mirror >>(x)sang in the shower >>(x)been told you're pretty by a complete stranger VAR UPPRIKTIG!