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for my dinner party i awas gonna make "Kladdkaka" but of course i had forgotten to take out the butter earlier so it was frozen n had to get warm
so while waiting for the butter i had an apple
a bowl
Found an old article about my hostdad from 1976 when he was 17
ok time for some serious "Kladdkake" making
everything is mixed together into a delicious batter
OoOops....some of the batter got stuck in the bowl
what to do?? what to do???
oh no does this mean i have to eat it all by myself???? :O
I think i did a pretty good job there ey?! =P
my room was in desperate need to get cleaned :S
i know u probably think: How the heck can someoene live in that mess???
honestly...i dunno cuz i live infron of the comp =P
but look how nice it is now!!! =D
im so proud of myself!!!! haha
i fucked the first cake up so i had to make a second one (which i managed to fuck up a little too but not as bad as the first one!!)
sooooo......a second cake means a second bowl of batter....which m
then i was gonna do swedish pancakes but i was ONE (!!) egg short so i had to run (drive fast that is) to the store n get more.
the pancake making process went well
after a few pancakes i was a pro (once again!) n lipped them with grace n elegance
salad making process
(remember that i made pancakes n salad AND tried to talk to ppl on the internet upstairs all at the same time...well at least i didn't fuck up the food =D)
then they finally came!!!
Kevin gave me a helping hand with the gravy that turned out to be HEAVENLY DELICIOUS!!!!
me putting the final touches to the gravy for the delicious swedish meatballs
Lauren kept us company in the kitchen n looked good!
Sarah was also in the kitchen looking cute
i luv this girl's hair!!
outside in the drive way i found Sean, Sisca n Tara
n then i found Momoko, Derek (he always does something to destroy the pic) n Dustin
n also Tara (again), Jeff n Trev
Then I finally let them dig in on the food after letting them wait n starve for like 45min (had some problems with my eBay account n password being change n shit which scared me!! But i had great help
Kevin experimented with mixing Lingonberries n butter.....ewww
it was a bit crowded but they all wanted the food so....
sexiest woman alive....eating my pancakes
Ben came n looked like a big teddy bear!!! =)
awwww....sarah so cute!!
have i mentioned that i luv her hair?! =D
maybe i should try that...hm hm
the Dudes
food food food
they were impossible to get in contact with haha
Derek tried to ruin yet another pic....bastard =P
This american bastard made my swedish dinner into a burrito!!! GAAAH
salad, cauliflower, corn, meatballs, potatoes n grave neatly folded up in a pancake....americans!!!!
Denise came just in time to grab the few things that were left.
Denise's husbad Tony had a very interesting conversation with Jeff....i think =P
Matt was lucky to get some of the food that was left as well....he didn't get as much as i think he would have wanted but that's how it goes when u show up late!!
People were so stubborn n stood in the small kitchen n ate when there were lots a space in the rest of the house
have to add that they cleaned the pots n bowls completly!! there was no food left.
after the eating they all nedded a smoke break....out of all the 16 friends that were there i was the only one NOT smoking.
they have been telling me to start smoking cuz then i might have a better
Trev, Sisca n Sarah are having fun wiii
Matt n Ben looking cute
The Brower Siblings
Sisca's butt.....hm....i dunno who took this pic :S hahah
i dig her Twister top in the back, it's really cool ;)
cutiepants =)
Then it was dessert time!!!
Lauren n Ben liked my cake =D
Momoko looking cute =)
Ben didn't want to waste a thing of my yummi dessert!! =D
i caught Sisca on the comp....the poor thing hasn't had internet for over 3months now :S
I would have been dead n buried long ago by then!!!
Tara n Sisca
drunk? hm
Denise says she looks like a retard on every pic....hm really?? =P
Me n Tara
I have no idea what they are doing here
Here somebody had been kind enough n searched the cuboards and dug out my Tortilla Sundried Tomatoe chips n started sharing them
Then suddenly people wanted to make tea
Me n Kevin (aka Mr. Cool...eh not =P)
weirdos in the backyard
Sean trying to get in but i wont let him mohahahah
then some ppl found the piano in the living room where the walls are covered in mirrors
Matt n Ben accompanied eachother pretty well =)
Sisca eating pistachios her own way
Matt shows everyone a movie he just found or is it a book....i cant tell =P
Then Sisca n Tara let it all come out in the kitchen to Spice Girls
Three crazy chicks
Kevin put on my tanktop but was quicker than quickest to get it off when i came with the camera hm hm
Kevin n Ben getting cozy
"Gimme some luuuuuv man"
Back cracking time
Ben n Megan
This pic almost looks like the cover for a band
that's awesome dude!
Matt n Kevin tried to throw the cigarette into the mouth...i think they stood out there for at least 20min throwing the ciggs hahah
It was alot of hugging tonite
here we have Derek n Jeff
Derek rereads the house rules in this own way
Keep ur room clean
Derek's version:
Keep ur room clean or i'll smack u across the face!!!
then armwresting contests were held between Kevin n Ben
...n lets just say that after like 10 rounds Kevin had still lost every single one but refused to give up hahah
Derek n the others wanted to start betting money on that Kevin would loose but then they stopped
finally Derek wanted to challange someone in head banging but no one wanted to