Thursday 21 June 2007 photo 1/1
I am not trying too seduce you. Would you like me to seduce you?
Thu 8 Nov 2007 19:15
yeah I'd really like you to seduce me;)haha!.. förresten, härligt att du kör med tajta byxor, det ska man ha.. iaf om man har lika nice ass som du!
Sat 3 Nov 2007 22:12
Hey Simon, just wanted to tell you that I liked your appearance at Andra Avenyn a lot. Sad that you had so few scenes and such a short time there. If they had asked me you could have been there all the time. (I wrote a note to the production company about you but don't think they will give a flying ... for it *g*)
It was great for a sucker for gay romance like me to see you interacting with Kim in the show.
I like your look, but mostly the modest one represented in the picture above, not so much the real wild version ^_^. That's because I liked this picture most out of all of the months I scanned through your bilddagboken. Even if I did not understand two words - except the inscription above - you typed under the pictures I can guess you have a really strong personality and aren't too shy the show it. I wish you a lot of luck and happiness and success in your life and career. Take care. Bye, Martial
It was great for a sucker for gay romance like me to see you interacting with Kim in the show.
I like your look, but mostly the modest one represented in the picture above, not so much the real wild version ^_^. That's because I liked this picture most out of all of the months I scanned through your bilddagboken. Even if I did not understand two words - except the inscription above - you typed under the pictures I can guess you have a really strong personality and aren't too shy the show it. I wish you a lot of luck and happiness and success in your life and career. Take care. Bye, Martial
Thu 25 Oct 2007 23:32
BAIS DU E BÄST! :O x'D haha ^^ syftar på andra avenyn! :D haha tycker de e tufft att ja hitta din bd x)
Fri 19 Oct 2007 21:34
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa du är snygg och du har strulat med cassandra <333333333333
Fri 19 Oct 2007 21:33
alltså aaaaaaaaaaaaaah snyggafan<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<<3<3<3<3
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