Monday 12 January 2009 photo 1/1
A: You like to drink.
B: Everyone wants you.
C: You are really silly.
D: You like to drink.
E: Damn good kisser.
F: You are dead sexy.
G: You never let people tell you what to do.
H: You have a very good personality and looks.
I: You are great in bed
J: People adore you.
K: You're wild and crazy.
L: Everyone loves you.
M: Best kisser ever.
N: You can keep secrets.
O: Awesome kisser.
P: You are popular with all types of people.
Q: You are a hypocrite.
R: Fucking crazy.
S: Easy to fall in love with.
T: You're loyal to those you love.
U: You really like to chill.
V: You are not judgemental.
W: You are very broad minded.
X: Your very good at work/school.
Y: Best girlfriend/boyfriend anyone could ever ask for.
Z: Always ready.
T: You're loyal to those you love.
O: Awesome kisser.
N: You can keep secrets.
Y: Best girlfriend/boyfriend anyone could ever ask for.
Stämmer det? (a)
B: Everyone wants you.
C: You are really silly.
D: You like to drink.
E: Damn good kisser.
F: You are dead sexy.
G: You never let people tell you what to do.
H: You have a very good personality and looks.
I: You are great in bed
J: People adore you.
K: You're wild and crazy.
L: Everyone loves you.
M: Best kisser ever.
N: You can keep secrets.
O: Awesome kisser.
P: You are popular with all types of people.
Q: You are a hypocrite.
R: Fucking crazy.
S: Easy to fall in love with.
T: You're loyal to those you love.
U: You really like to chill.
V: You are not judgemental.
W: You are very broad minded.
X: Your very good at work/school.
Y: Best girlfriend/boyfriend anyone could ever ask for.
Z: Always ready.
O: Awesome kisser.
N: You can keep secrets.
Y: Best girlfriend/boyfriend anyone could ever ask for.
Stämmer det? (a)
i - you are great in bed
k - your wild and crazy
r - Fucking crazy
e - Damn good kisser
t - Your loyal to those you love
stämmer bra tycker jag :D
O: Awesome kisser.
H: You have a very good personality and looks.
N: You can keep secrets.
N: You can keep secrets.
Y: Best girlfriend/boyfriend anyone could ever ask for.
Några saker gemmensamt Tony :D
S: Easy to fall in love with.
A: You like to drink.A: You like to drink.
B: Everyone wants you.
E: Damn good kisser.
L: Everyone loves you.
L: Everyone loves you.
A: You like to drink.
Owh yeah :D
A: You like to drink.
R: Fucking crazy.
O: Awesome kisser.
L: Everyone loves you.
I: You are great in bed
N: You can keep secrets.
E: Damn good kisser.
låter bra dt :)
R: Fucking crazy
I: You are great in bed
K: You're wild and crazy.
Ja R och K vet vi ju sen alexs fest hahahahah xD
I - maffia
K - ännu mer maffia
A - Kickar cashen
E - Kickar systelet
L - helt enkelt bäst(H)
ja de är fan inte lätt
I: You are great in bed
G: You never let people tell you what to do.
A: You like to drink.
N: You can keep secrets.
A: You like to drink.
R: Fucking crazy.
O: Awesome kisser.
L: Everyone loves you.
I: You are great in bed
N: You can keep secrets.
E: Damn good kisser.
känns ganska rätt :D
L: Everyone loves you.
E: Damn good kisser.
R: Fucking crazy. Fucking crazy. Fucking crazy.
I: You are great in bed
M: Best kisser ever.
fo show måste sno denna! :D<33
F: you are dead sexy, hehe
R: fucking crazy, haha ja kanske stämmer
O: awesome kisser, (H)
D: you like to drink, dt va ju två gng
I: you are great in bed
T: you're loyal to those you love
E: damn good kisser
haha stämmer det :P? för jag tyckte ditt stämmde litta grann haha :D
E: Damn good kisser.
N: You can keep secrets.
N: You can keep secrets.
Y: Best girlfriend/boyfriend anyone could ever ask for.
U: You really like to chill.
O: Awesome kisser.
N: You can keep secrets.
G: You never let people tell you what to do.
- är osäker på "O: Awesome kisser.", men går det bra om jag tar denna?
L: Everyone loves you.
I: You are great in bed (HAHAHAHA)
N: You can keep secrets.
A: You like to drink. (wrong)
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