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Flera äldre bilder har även försvunnit till följd av detta, vilket vi beklagar.
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Devil may care touches trickled down spine, thigh, and breast,may never truly illuminate the finer art of heartwork.
Parkour 2007
Parkour 2007
Parkour 2007
Here, where my body was left empty and tormented for years, caked by the loose skins of an oversized heart, finally worn too thin.
What does it matter that nothing is solved, the politics of the few are the death of us all; subtle warfare is the worst but the only kind we can stand, so astound me with your whirs and clicks and i
I love just for her
set your traps
burn your stakes
throw your stones
we wanna feel safe
and the mice will gnaw right through
board the windows
cawlk the cracks
seal the doors cause there's a draft
"close my eyes
pull my heart strings
pour my tears from your hands
'connections are never easy,' you said
empty words
empty soul
I believe that we are afraid of one another
and I, I believe tha
Not as a race
Not as a species
Not as a sex, but as everything
Not as a body
Not as a mind
Not as a heart,but as a living soul
Har lagt in bilderna från musik direkt nu på datorn.Så vill ni ha så kan jag skicka,eller så bränner jag ner allt(blev runt 250bilder tror jag) på en cd om det