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Book descriptionI thought Harry Houdini was a great book. It was very interesting for a biography. I usually don’t get into these types of books but I did for this one. This book is written in third person view by Vicki Cobb. This book is about a little boy named Erich Weiss that was born in Budapest, Hungary on March 24, 1874. He was the third born of six children. His dad’s name was Rabbi and his mother’s name was Cecilia. In 1876, Rabbi left home and immigrated to Appleton, Wisconsin with two of his six kids. They left because of restrictions put on Jews with land and business owning. Rabbi took Erich with him. Rabbi couldnt find a job so he moved to Milwaukee. Erich ran away to Kansas City and did odd jobs and sent money home when possible. The rest of the family went to Wisconsin. Erich changed his name to Harry Houdini after reading a book by Robert Houdin. This inspired him to become part of the magic career. He performed at dime shows with his brother Theodore. Harry started taking apart handcuffs and became good at opening them without a key. He met Bess and married her. She replaced Theodore in the magic shows. They started to tour all around the US and they made a lot of money. After becoming the King of Handcuffs, he invested in an airplane for five thousand dollars and became the first pilot to fly in Australia. He never flew after that, but he did do stunts on planes while they were moving. He made his handcuff tricks more elaborate by escaping handcuffs that were made by very good designers and by trapping him in a box, handcuffed, and thrown off a bridge into a river. He also debunked people that said they could talk with the dead. He died by getting punched in the stomach and his appendix blew up. He died on Halloween.I would recommend this book from ages of thirteen and up, males and females because it is very informational and interesting all at the same time I wouldn’t recommend this book from under thirteen because it would be too hard to read.Harry Houdini by Vicki Cobb torrent via online free tablet
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