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Laravel Login With Facebook ->>>
Furthermore if you're storing the date/time values in a different format, you'll want to customize the format that DateTime instances get converted to. Other authorization requests. After creating an app in Facebook, you'll need to provide the app ID and secret. the starttime field of an Event node). Gustavo Petersen Pretty simple and useful, im sure it will help lots of people who wants to know more about hybrid auth and stuff DjBawa Deep great tutorial,,,thanks a lot. Disable CSRF on endpoints in Laravel 5.1 & 5.2. Not everyone loves subscriptions. For Lumen, add the provider to your bootstrap/app.php file. * * param IlluminateHttpRequest $request * return bool */ private function excludedRoutes($request) { $routes = [ 'my-app/canvas', 'my-app/page-tab', // . Just Sublime. All rights reserved. Sebas Excellent tutorial! really clear and easy to follow. The code that follows will be put in app/routes.php so open it up and roll up your sleeves, its gonna get dirty! First, we want to create new route called login/fb that will use the Facebook SDK to redirect the user to a Facebook Auth page where the user can grant permissions for Facebook to pass in the email address and other data back to the application: Route::get('login/fb', function() { $facebook = new Facebook(Config::get('facebook')); $params = array( 'redirecturi' => url('/login/fb/callback'), 'scope' => 'email', ); return Redirect::to($facebook->getLoginUrl($params)); }); NOTE: in Laravel 4.19 the Redirect::to method has been replaced with Redirect::away(); When you access this route, it will show a dialog like in the screenshot: Upon approval, the user will be redirected to login/fb/callback route that we have yet to create : Route::get('login/fb/callback', function() { $code = Input::get('code'); if (strlen($code) == 0) return Redirect::to('/')->with('message', 'There was an error communicating with Facebook'); $facebook = new Facebook(Config::get('facebook')); $uid = $facebook->getUser(); if ($uid == 0) return Redirect::to('/')->with('message', 'There was an error'); $me = $facebook->api('/me'); dd($me); }); Now when you try going to login/fb again, you should see a screen full of your profile data. This was exactly what was missing for the community. But if you set the defaultredirecturi callback URL in the config file, you can use the getLoginUrl() wrapper method which will default the callback URL (defaultredirecturi) and permission scope (defaultscope) to whatever you set in the config file. License. Where's the file? Laravel 5 will publish the config file to /config/laravel-facebook-sdk.php. The secret sauce for Laracasts is a simple one. Schema::create('events', function(Blueprint $table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->bigInteger('facebookid')->nullable()->unsigned()->index(); $table->string('name')->nullable(); $table->string('city')->nullable(); $table->string('state')->nullable(); $table->string('country')->nullable(); });. For testing you can just grab an access token from the Graph API Explorer (make sure to select your app from the "Application" drop down). Rerequests. You can generate a re-authentication URL using the getReAuthenticationUrl() method. Login From Redirect. Any Eloquent model that implements the SyncableGraphNodeTrait will have the createOrUpdateGraphNode() method applied to it. Maks Surguy Glad you got it sorted out enjoy! Maks Surguy I believe those you can provide in the scope. Maks Surguy Yeah, there is a lot of security considerations that are needed to be made before you start implementing multi provider sign in methods and complexity rises quite a bit when you add more providers& Im glad this was helpful for you! Maks Surguy On Bootsnipp I ask users to provide a password in case they sign up with a social provider IF they would like to log in with a password. In those cases we can white list specific fields with the $graphnodefillablefields property. Hlio The code is not mine. After you have logged a user in with the JavaScript SDK using FB.login(), you can obtain a user access token from the signed request that is stored in the cookie that was set by the JavaScript SDK. Troubleshooting. User Login From Redirect Example. In most cases you won't need to save the access token to a database unless you plan on making requests to the Graph API on behalf of the user when they are not browsing your app (like a 3AM CRON job for example). $rerequestlink = $fb->getReRequestUrl(['email'], ' // Or, if you want to default to the callback URL set in the config $rerequestlink = $fb->getReRequestUrl(['email']);. That is, once the user logs in, they stay logged in (even if they close the window / browser / computer) until they click the logout button 5a02188284