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Homicide For Three Full Movie Hd 1080p Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/qy5mm
On their honeymoon,a young navy officer and his wife are having difficulties in finding a hotel room in Los Angeles until a lady lends them her suite. There, they receive a mysterious telephone call warning them of a murder that is about to be committed. After finding two dead women they hire two private detectives to help them. They learn that the third woman marked for death is the woman who lent them her hotel suite. She is the aerial artist at a circus and the other two women were her friends. The police arrive and arrest the navy officer and his wife, and two clowns who were attempting to kill the aerial performer.
"Homicide for Three" is a brainless mystery B-movie. It tries to be funny (but it isn't) and it tries to be an engaging mystery (but it isn't). It just comes off as an incredibly forced low-budget film--one which never once seems plausible or interesting. And, even if the acting was better (and occasionally it's pretty bad), the writing is so poor that the actors haven't got a chance.
The film begins with a very frisky young married couple searching all over town for a hotel room--but with no success. So far, this looks like the makings of a sexy comedy....but no such luck. A bit later, when they are trying to get a room, a woman overhears them and offers them her room. From here on, it's a lot like "Date Night" when a murder occurs and they pair are possibly implicated. Through it all they have a 'detective' who helps them...and pretty much everyone but them knows what will happen next.
The bottom line is that the film is stale, silly and full of BAZILLIONS of plot holes. Why didn't they go to the police? Why would two idiots think they could investigate a murder ring?! Huh?!?! Dumb....very dumb. And, during the film my daughter kept begging me to turn it off. I wish I'd listened to her.
A truly contrived mystery/comedy of several murders involving a young married couple (Audrey Long and Warren Douglas) celebrating a quick second honeymoon while the Navy Lieutenant husband is on leave. She keeps getting mistaken for another woman (who turns out to be her cousin) and meets a series of wackos (including Lloyd Corrigan as a jovial drunk named "The Beard") as bodies pile up. Republic Studios couldn't wait for TV to take off, and put a series of low-budget relatively short features on the screen with the quality of antique anthology TV show episodes. The result is a poor convoluted thriller that outlasts its welcome, even at exactly an hour.
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