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Aliens Vs. Predator: Requiem Tamil Dubbed Movie Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r219b
Warring Alien and Predator races descend on a rural Colorado town, where unsuspecting residents must band together for any chance of survival.
Following the events of Alien vs. Predator, and the maturation of the chestburster that erupted from the body of Scar (the Predator that defeated the Alien Queen) into an adult Predalien, the Predator scout ship crashes in the woods of Gunnison County. A local, Buddy Benson, and his son, Sam, are hunting in the forest and witness the crash, but they are chased and are implanted with alien embryos by facehuggers along with several homeless people living in the sewers. Meanwhile another Predator lands seeking out the Alien and destroying evidence of their presence on Earth. The dwellers of the town find themselves in the middle of a battlefield between the two deadly extraterrestrial creatures, and the small group of survivors splits between the leadership of Sheriff Eddie Morales and the bad-boy Dallas Howard. Both have different opinions about the best means to escape from the beings.
Well this was sad...
Why these goofy looking bros doesn't put a little bit of creativity and effort into their alleged love for the genre is beyond me. My theory is that creativity and artistic integrity isn't as important when you could just milk a concept for a quick buck. Maybe the creativity just doesn't exist, it sure looks like it.
I hate it when unintelligent people take (is allowed to take) a really REALLY good concept and turn it into crap. I for one thought it was a real shame for the genre & flat out embarrassing too watch. Why does these movies (AvP, AvP-R) have to take place here on earth for example?
I mean isn't it just a display of bad taste and a lack of true inspiration and imagination when you need infants and pregnant to get slaughtered in order to raise some eyebrows?
The bad acting put aside, you could just feel the emptiness crawling beneath every second of this movie.
Cool gadgets but thats about it, oh yeah! we got a glimpse at their home planet...
Plot hole exclamation points. 1. Why did it take just one afternoon for the predator to travel to earth. 2. Why did they send just one predator? 3. Why did a hick-town cop manage to sneak up on this "elite predator" in the woods"? 4. Why did the predator leave the cop in the trees, isn't he pretty concerned about not leaving any traces? 5. Why did the aliens burst out of the rib cage as soon as the man & his boy woke up? 6. Why didn't the sheriff call any help from the outside when they discovered the skinned cop. 7. Why fcuk up a really good concept?
Why do i even bother...at least we should be getting a really good spin-off from Aliens on the Xbox 360 pretty soon. Maybe that will make me forget this laughable pile of hogspilling.
it s awful, i mean how could you spend money making a movie with a great title that surely would come to me as great movie disappoints in delivering a sequel that comes for nothing, a budget waste a terrible cast that resembles low budgets of 80's movies....it's like seeing a Jason movie but instead with predators and aliens....the third part if it comes should be filmed in a college, like avp3:girls carnage and should be played by predator females fighting alien puppets.....but back to the point the movie is a waste of time and money can t tell how it was made but these days the worst is possible due to the money available to produce films as you like.
i went to the theater expecting a more developed movie than the first one cos could be better made better planned as in terms of story and truly relate this film with the next or with the alien saga but instead they made up a poor story with a poor cast filmed in dark spaces where the aliens and predator cannot be appreciated just to mention it....the fights average and the movie well what can i say???? i ll say it again a WASTE!!! see for u r self and know that u won t disagree my opinion
--- Ho, ho, ho - the joke's on anyone who pays to see this.
–Scott Tobias, 2007
"An orgy of mindless violence" a5c7b9f00b
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