Tuesday 4 July 2017 photo 1/1
Doodle Book Blank: Bullet Grid Journal, 8 x 10, 150 Dot Grid Pages (sketchbook, journal, doodle)
by Dartan Creations
->>> http://shorl.com/fredudrebikyti DOWNLOAD BOOK
This 8 x 10 notebook is the perfect size or sketching, drawing, to do lists and journaling. It provides 150 pages of 5mm spaced dots ready for anything you need to write down.
Makes a great gift for creative people who love to bullet journal or even kids who love to color out their ideas.
Who needs lined when you can have dots? This journal is lightly dotted so it does not interfere with your creativity but also provides a guide for all your ideas.
There are tons of cover designs to choose from. Just search Dartan Creations Bullet Grid right here on Amazon.
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