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History of red cross pdf: >> << (Download)
History of red cross pdf: >> << (Read Online)
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history of red cross society
origin of the red cross: “un souvenir de solferino
Established in 1863, the ICRC is at the origin of the Movement. promotes the humanitarian activities of National Societies among vulnerable people. By coordinating international disaster relief and encouraging development support it seeks to prevent and alleviate human suffering.
In 1831 in the beautiful city of Geneva in Switzerland, a little round-faced boy of three, with pink cheeks and a mop of silky hair, sat playing quietly in the sitting-room of his house. The room in'which he was playing was richly furnished, for his father was a successful businessman and an impor- tant citizen of the town.
The First Geneva Convention was signed in 1864 to save the wounded soldiers on battlefields. The Second Geneva Convention was signed in 1906 to extend the principles of the First Convention to the victims of naval warfare including shipwrecked men.
A historical perspective. Page 2. , 2ULJLQV DQG KLVWRULFDO DQDOVLV RI. WKH )XQGDPHQWDO 3ULQFLSOHV. ,, )XOO 7H[W RI WKH )XQGDPHQWDO. 3ULQFLSOHV. &RQWHQWV IRU WKLV. SUHVHQWDWLRQ. Principles and Values. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
have before the Movement's 200th anniver- sary? It's your future. Now it's your move. Let's write history, together. Sincerely,. Malcolm Lucard. Editor, Red Cross Red Crescent magazine. Today, the Movement uses technology to reconnect families, send out storm warnings and sanitation messages during natural disasters or
milestone in the history of humanity, offering care for the wounded, and defining medical services as "neutral" on the battlefield. The concept of Red Cross societies was soon adopted by other countries, and in 1919, in the aftermath of World War I, five national societies: Britain, France, Italy, Japan and the United States
A major part of international humanitarian law is contained in the four Geneva. Conventions of 1949, which have been adopted by every nation. The Conventions have been developed and supplemented by three further agreements: the Additional. Protocols I & II of 1977 relating to the protection of victims of armed conflicts,
THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES. OF THE INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS. AND RED CRESCENI' MOVEMENT i. The history ofthe Movements doctrine. Although the origin of the Red Cross is not based on abstract princip- les. but on the spontaneous action ot the people who. on the battle?eld ot' Solteiino in June 1359,
20 Oct 1980 Humanity The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavours, in its international and national capacity, to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect
History of the Emblems. 1863-1864: The choice of the Red Cross. The International Conference, which met in Geneva in 1863, recommended the establishment of National Red Cross Societies and adopted ten resolutions and four recommendations. One of those resolutions proposed that voluntary medical personnel